newbie white widow grow first grow


Well-Known Member
Dude this is no longer a clone and now is a plant,i would say that from looking at her she looks just fine,if you wanted you could take a couple of clones of her for future grows.White widow is not a favourite but saying that its still a nice plant,and has far has im am concerned one of the 1st true high grade cannabis plants to hit most countrys.I'm more of a grower that likes two strains jack herer and blueberry but i do like uk cheese has well but none of the seed banks have come up with the uk cheese that i get here in the uk,same has the other two perhaps there just plants that have been bread here in the uk but just kept there origanal names but are not what the seed banks are selling.back to the subject,the plant is now at a size that you will soon have to think about flowering,the reason i say this is that a 1 1/2 foot plant will reach height of around 4 1/2 ft tall when finished thats if you keep the lights low to the tops higher if not.I won't comment on led lights because i have never used them and i think to much of that goes on ,on this site any how.People throwing there views forward on subjects they just dont understand.I would have your plant on 12/12 from now onwards and start on a good nute package i would say canna or advanced all though i use both set the ec at around 1.4 for the 1st week then increase to 1,5 for the rest of flowering.

week one;1.4 ec
week two,till week 9 1.5 ec
but at week two start put on advanced big bud along with your base nutes for 4 week
then at week 6 start put pk 13/14 from canna in with your base nutes.

any questions in box me glad to help.......................tyke


I would like to get a few clones off my plant as I would like to grow a couple.outdoors but I am not very educated on cloning any help on cloning easily and cheap would be great. I am transfering to a 3 gal bucket and ff fert this weekend. You think i should start flowering now? Should I transfer it and Clone before I switch to 12/12?
definetley clone before 12/12 its a bitch to get a clone to take once it has started flower i have a vid with my first ever widow clone well the only one which took lol the widow is a great plant to start with i started last year and am now completly hooked on this amazing hobby


Ok I decided I'm gonna keep this simple for my first grow just to learn I'm not gonna clone or top this plant I'm just gonna transfer it to a bigger pot then I'm gonna switch to 12/12 and let it take its course I will continue to post pics.what am I looking for ingredients in fertilizer if I can't find fox farm locally what can I use that will do the trick?
Also have a white widow just under a month old, probably about 2 1/2 ft. tall. i saw alot of my bottom growth over night it just kinda sprung up and got kind of bushy (cant complain). feel free to pm me maybe we can bounce ideas or info off each other. but maybe depending on the room you set it up with can help with your cold problem (retain some heat, not too much though) but also does like a bit overwatered. best of luck!


Ok guys let me know what you think she's been growing outside for about 2 month I next to a pond and it got completly flooded for a few days I thought she was gonna die but she's still kicking she's very light green and hasnt grown much but has some nice hairs and crystals