Newbie when to start growing?


New Member
So I live in southeast Texas (near Houston) and I just got a White Widow from Nirvana. I've read up all on how to grow it (and I'm doing it outside) but there is one problem...when to plant it??
I'm eager to plant it now, but since it's mid october I doubt there's enough light out and it may be too cold. Anyone wanna help me out here? ;)


Well-Known Member
I take it you know close to nothing about growing...

Plant it april next year. growing season is over, we are harvesting now.


Well-Known Member
Plant outdoors in the spring and harvest in the fall. Or grow indoors year round in less time. Less bud but less time makes up for it. As an aside you say you live in Texas and want to grow weed. What the fuck is wrong with you,? better that you save your money and move to a state that won't execute you if caught growing.


Well-Known Member
Like everyone else stated the season's over. You can either do it indoors or wait around until next year. Generally what I do is find out when the daytime hours are 12 hours and climbing. Get them started then and out the door as soon as they get their first set of true leaves. If I get a frost warning or anything I just cover them up with DIY greenhouse covers. Which consists of 2 or 3 liter plastic soda bottles. I chop the top off from them and just turn it over and place it onto the seedling/plants.
I did that last year and didn't lose a single one out of 40 to cold or anything. A little more work yeah but by the time everyone else was starting theirs and waiting on last frost warning blah blah blah mine were a few nodes high and taking baby shots of nutes. None of them flowered on me except one I gave to a friend and I'm 99% sure he forced it out of impatience.
I went by this though and it worked out awesome