Newbie veg help (When to feed?)

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
Im going into week two, its a CFL stealth cab grow....

Im just confused at what point to add nutes? im using MG soil which says on the bag that it will feed for 3 months? im weary of nute burn but also want to make sure im going to maximize my efforts.

so, is it too soon?


Well-Known Member
I would just let the plants tell you when they are hungry. If they are green and growing they are fed. When they slow down and turn a little yellow then feed them.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
yea, thats what i was hoping to hear. however above soil growth is slow at this point.

Ive read that during the 1-2 weeks most of the growth is below the soil to help establish a strong root base. Can anyone comment on the validity of this? im hoping top growth starts soon!


Well-Known Member
Thats correct. The plant grows roots and then it explodes. It will grow a inch or more in a day when rooted. Some call it the veg stage when the roots are established and seedling stage when the roots are growing. They always grow roots.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
Sounds good guys, this is what i figured. I was just looking at the fox farms feeding schedule and thought it was a bit 'aggressive'

i wasnt sure if it was just their marketing campaign to push products on you early, but applying nutes in the second week seemed a bit premature. I'll wait it out for another two weeks.

At that point, what should my feeding schedule be? im pretty sure i should feed every other watering, but what do you guys recommend to feed with in veg?


Well-Known Member
I go every other watering. I start 1/2 strength for the first one at three weeks and if that looks good then the next feed they get full strength.

That MG soil is a whole other kettle of fish though. I think you have to watch your plant much closer and not really follow a schedule - just listen to the plant.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
yea, im hearing that from more and more people that the MG soil might have been a mistake?

Picasso, what do you feed with?

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
great! do you follow the foxfarm feeding schedule?

will you use any of the cha-ching/open seasme products?


Well-Known Member
I stick to their schedule pretty close. I've never used the solubles...I haven't taken my grow to the "next level", lol. Mine do great on their basic three.

Mr. Vapor

Active Member
yea....i was a bit weary about all that extra stuff.

so to sum things up, you think i should consider repotting? im nervous about this MG soil, but how bad can it be?

start the fox farm products around week 3.5


Well-Known Member
Per haps they are in smaller pots and when its time to transplant then go with some foxfarm soil. No nutes after transplanting.