Newbie Updates and Question

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
Alright, most may not remember (since most may not have read) my last thread, . Since then I have reconfigured my PVC structure to allow for side lighting. I still have yet to wrap it in plastic sheeting and put up the mylar, but I think this is going to help some more.

So, my question is, when in the hell can I dry, cure, and smoke these damn things? I'm startin' to jones for 'em!










Well-Known Member
How long have they been flowering for? Generally, by 8 weeks, your plants should be ripe. When most of the pistils (white hairs) have turned orange or brown, its time to harvest.

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
They've been flowering for about 2 months (8 weeks), and I know some are getting close. I used a bag of schwag seeds so I've got seemingly indica and sativa strains (different fan leaf shapes, longer mature rate, etc.) that are making my harvest "inconsistent."

Now, I've got one plant whose top bud is almost nearly 50% white and 50% gold, but the others below it are not. Can I remove the TOP bud and allow the others to continue to mature? If so, do I just cut the bastard with some sharp utensils? Or should I just wait for the whole plant to turn those colors?


Well-Known Member
If some buds are ripening before others... then yes, harvest the ones that are ready and let the rest finish maturing.