newbie trying to get the hang of LST, small accident

I get the concept you tie it down to get mor sun to promote new groth in other areas and in some cases to keep the height down. Today I bent it alittle too much and heard a little snap type noise:sad:, so I hurried up and just wrapped fishing line around the split, its at the bottom where the plant splits into like 2 main branches. It wasnt real bad I just wonder whats ideal to use in that case is there like plant tape products? Any feedback is much appreciated


Well-Known Member
Just use any tape you have lying around but take off that fishing line asap, mj is tough and will heal fine as long as it didn't snap completely :)
thanks will it be ok to do it tomorrow? and just use like electrical tape? what do you suggest to use to tie it down when using LST methods? thanks any input is appreciated


Well-Known Member
I jusr split one on last grow. I just tied some rope around it and untied anything Ihad tied down. It yielded as much as the others


Well-Known Member
There is a green plastic product gardeners use for tieing tomatoes and such that works great because it is somewhat stretchy but you can use anything that works and doesn't cut into the stem. Cannabis is amazingly resilient and the damaged part will callous up and you'll be just fine. Props for trying a new technique to maximize your yield. Whether you LST or supercrop both techniques work great and a few broken stems are just part of the learning curve:)
Thanks I know a little I've always been infatuated with growing anything I have a hell of a garden this is the first year I've made one (with tomatoes and peppers lol). But I've grown alot of just bag seed and something always ended up ruining it. But I'm ready to get to work and start to produce successful grows

Po boy

Well-Known Member
for small breaks a match used as a splint works well. i use scotch tape for wrapping. GL
when most of you guys use LSTing what do you suggest I use to tie them down with and what do I connect it to, anything tha will hold? I was using fishing line but someone said not to use that and I get why, That prob would start to maybe cut into the plant and then the plant will grow around it. I once had a rubber coated wire that was made for plants I havent been able to find that stuff anywere even on the web. Any suggestions or if you know where I can find that rubber coated wire, u actually can conform it to the plant. It works great I'd love to find it. If I'm not mistaken I think I got it from a dollar store


Well-Known Member
Grab the stem, at the place you want to bend it, between your thumb and forefinger. Apply a squeezing pressure until you feel the cells inside the stem crush, then just bend the top of the plant over @ 90 degrees. Electrical zip ties through holes in the top of your pot are ideal for tieing your plant down. The top of the plant will continue to grow upwards ( as will node branches ). Just keep tying it down as it makes its way around the top of your pot in a circular motion. Once back to the main stem let the top grow just enough to reach the center of the pot, stake it down there and VIOLA, a plant with an abundance of nice buds, all pretty much the same height, which gives a nice even canopy. It always helps using this method to pot the plant on the side of the pot, not in the center. If using square pots, plant it in one corner.


Use those fuzzy pipe straw things, you probably use them in elementary school. Soft, but they hold shape well and can be reused easily.