Flood tables are simple as shit.
You can usually get a 3x6 table for 80 bucks at the hydro shop. A 4x4 is cheaper.
Just build a table for it, put a res underneath it, set it to flood every hour and you're rocking hydro.
PH and EC meters are mandatory.
I own the 200 dollar Hanna Combo meter, 2 Milwaukee PH-55's, but I use the E-bay cheapies.
I've had the EC meter for 2 years, and the PH meter for 3 months with no problems.
Here's what I use.
If you're trying to keep it simple with nutrients try
General Hydroponics
FloraNova Bloom start to finish.
Floraliscious+ from start to finish.
Add Liquid Koolbloom during flower.
3 bottles and you can kill it.
Don't forget calibration solutions. You'll want to calibrate often.
Here's a good set.
It's all I use.