newbie to hydro has a few questions

hi everyone, im new to hydro but been growing in soil inside for a while, so know about lights, ph etc

but i wanna go full hydro with the drip system, i hang my 400 hsp vertical with my plants around the buld, with fluros around the outside of my grow room, temp is controller at 75-80f and have a fan moving air around

i want to grow bigger heaver buds faster and i have a few questions id like for you experts to answer

1)which is a better medim, rockwool or perlite?

2)i wount be collecting and re-using the watersoloution runoff but when the plants a watered with the drip system should it always be watered with a watersoloution or do the plants only get ''feed'' every so ofter and all the other waterings inbertween just plan water?

3)switching from a soil sustem to a proper hydro system, will it realy make my plants grow faster and yeald more?

ive never realy feed my plants any nuts, i've just used soil that has them in it.

any help or ideas or comments would realy help me out


I have always used hydroton clay pebbles for my medium and they've worked great.
WIth a drip system it might be a good idea that you have a timer on it (mine runs 15 minutes every hour), and the nutrients are mixed in constantly.
and yes hydrop plants grow much faster and produce higher yields


Active Member
I would use rockwool and hydroton. Works good, easy to use. For me perlite was messy. Hydroton is reuseable. Rockwool is easy to work with. I would make a drain that runs back into your res from your drip tray. I have never done soil but hydro was very fast. Sometimes as fast as the strain will allow. Gl.


Active Member
Hey check out the links in my sig. One is stealth bubbleponics and the other is a DIY bubbleponics.