Newbie to growing HELP!


New Member
Hi everyone, I planted from germinated seeds into soil on 28th March, I am 90% sure the light has always been on at least 18hours but I have flowers/buds but still not changed to the 12/12 light cycle, should I change now after under a month? The pic off all 5 is from today.


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Well-Known Member
Are they autos or photo period plants? If they‘re autos then leave them at 18/6and carry on. If they are photo period plants then recheck your timer settings. Pics might help too.


Well-Known Member
Weird! They are exhibiting juvenile growth (meaning the leaves are opposite each other rather than alternating up the stem) still yet flowering. Are all of them from the same bag and are all of them flowering? And you’re sure the time has been set correctly? I’d leave it at 18/6. Maybe auto seeds? Or maybe someone was screwing with you and threw some auto seeds in the bag. At least 6 weeks but who knows how long with an unknown variety.


New Member
Over the years from buying weed I kept the seeds in hope I might start growing one day so they could be the same or completely different, no idea. It's been 18/6 every day from planting except maybe one day but I dont think it had 12 hours even then. Ok no worries I will leave them for a bit and see what happens, i assume it would be too late too top or fim them?


New Member
And yes all are flowering, I tied the one stem down as was getting bigger than the rest but the smallest is only about 6inches in height lol


New Member
I have bought seeds online but thought I'd try these out first as it's my 1st grow and didnt want to waste the seeds I bought until I had some experience of growing first.