newbie to all this

AquA Fresh611

Active Member
Hello RiU community.
I came accross this forum by looking up recepie for SS, anyways the eviroment here is awesome everyone sharing knowledge and helping each other from where I'm from this is unheard of. Anyways glad I joined to bad I didn't discover this before the spring season well thanks RIU, hope I can help someone out like all the people from the RIU community did for me.
Peace from the south of the states.


Well-Known Member

I read way more than I post: there are some very experienced growers on here who share generously. Your timing is probably perfect because you can read and read and read some more and be ready in time for spring. Any question you can think of is in here somewhere.
This board was priceless when I was starting.

Maybe tell us a bit about what/how you want to grow.....sounds like outdoors ?
What's SS ?

Peace from north of the States :)

AquA Fresh611

Active Member

I read way more than I post: there are some very experienced growers on here who share generously. Your timing is probably perfect because you can read and read and read some more and be ready in time for spring. Any question you can think of is in here somewhere.
This board was priceless when I was starting.

Maybe tell us a bit about what/how you want to grow.....sounds like outdoors ?
What's SS ?

Peace from north of the States :)

SS is subcool Super Soil recepie.
Yea I recently made a change from doing dwc to soil. Heard all the hype about SS, decide to transtion cause dwc was getting a lil pricey cause of the shops out here rasing price.
Anyways thanks for the welcome y'all