Newbie tips


Well-Known Member
So I am giving back what this place made me a fine gardner.

1) IF you have topped em and have 6-8 tops in flower you probably have big fan leafs covering bud on the second level in deep flower. They aren't getting direct light and you see buds in shade. I suggest you take your hand and nice gently push those big fan leafs under buds so the bud top gets light directly. Big difference. Don't remove those fan leafs just push friendly like under the bud.

2) Follow closely. You have plants stretching and a wild difference in height of top buds. No canopy some plants maybe even stretching up over and into the light way to close. The fix from experience. Important, do this one day after watering so they are full of water pliable even bendy. Let's say you need em 1 foot from the light distance but they are an extra foot too tall. At the exact hieght needed pinch the plant branch and bend horizontal so you have a branch with maybe 2- 4 branch buds perfect hieight. Tie it down or tie it up depending on how it wants to fall. You are making a perfect canopy at the right distance. Don't panic. They will be fine. I almost never break a branch. I mean 98 percent success rate. Then you get max bud max distance from light. enough for today....