newbie starting..well almost newbie


Active Member
hey guys so i decided that im not paying anymore being with my friends a few times in a simple grow room above a pizza shop got me hooked.

my setup, just built a room 6 by 4 by 8 now. i also put sound reducing insulation inbetween the outside walls so reduces nosie complanits from the woman about any problems that way i also lined the room with reflective coving using a new 400hps with 2 blubs a bloom and a veg bulb. i just set up im running a system not started yet hope to get it underway in a week or i was going to try a table with a drain in the bottom and a cuirutator pump. for a furnace and air unit. and pumps to a gravity system above the plant bases and set on a timer. QUESTION ONE HOW MUCH TO FEED THEM.)

im got my ph kit and i heard to keep it as close to 6.2 to 6.8 for good contitons of growing i have a 30 pound co2 tank with a fan im hooking up just need get the regulator set up yet....pain in the butt to find a desent system.

Question 2 i have a power vented van off a furnace im wonding for odours can i use this with a carbon filter setup. i was going to run a 3 inch off the ventor and run a stip 4 feet with carcoal in it to help reduce the odour. but....only place to vent the bugger is in a 1 and a half drain off my sink no problem right????? its higher then anything in my house and was wondering if this is going to be to much i wont be able to control the speed so i was going to make a resistor plate. ???any idea's how this may work out and points could help out.

um question 3 i have this 400watt hps and the reflector how far should it be sitting above the plants to obtain perfect lighing contidions.


Active Member
okay so i did some more reading here on this site must say very detailed sorry about the noob questions. so 12 inch to 24 for the hight ad keep the plants around 75 to 85 degree's but im scrap the idea to vent into the to drill some 2 inch holes outside and brought fresh air in.....

but the it really work it...putting it i live in the house i was reading 300ppm is what plants need. even i no if i went in there in 300 parts per million 100 is leathal ... i will post some pics here of the room i just made today.


Active Member
and i have also thought about more lighing maybe a few extra's along with my 400watt...maybe side posting them it couldnt hurt it could it?


Active Member
actually, bud, 50,000ppm is lethal and 600ppm is normal of a non-ventilated indoor room (with out plants.) extra light = faster growth +extra Bud. maybe look into a de-humidifier very helpful i have expereinced.