Newbie starting first grow EVER in AeroGarden


Well-Known Member
No bashing here:) I like my aerogarden its given me some great experience and some decent bud. i know some don't like it but i think people need to make up their own minds. good luck with your grow:leaf:


Active Member
So you all probably figured that our thread was dead. Well I got good news..

After about two weeks our seeds have arrived!!!

We had them shipped to a friends so we will have them in our hands in a couple days. Look forward to updates and pictures soon!


Active Member
This is taking much longer than expected, but it is still working out. We ordered our seeds three weeks ago and we finally have them in our possession!! They look amazing, at least for seeds haha. We have 10 blue cheese, 1 white widow, and 5 thai skunk. We are going to plant a few blue cheese along with our white widow.

We are going to start the germination process as soon as I finish this post. It won't be long and pictures will come. We'll take pictures of our freshly germinated seeds in a couple days. Wish us luck.


Active Member

So after waiting for weeks for the seeds, they are finally in our posession. Seeds are in the process of germinating, and will be planting in AeroGarden hopefully tonight. We ended up purchasing seeds from Attitude seed bank, which I am 100% pleased with. I would definatly refer and I would purchase from them again. Ended up buying 10 pack feminized Barney's Farm Blue Cheese. Also got a free feminized white widow seed. Will update thread with pics as soon as seeds are in pod.



Active Member
Ok guys i am in desperate need of some newb help. Basically over night plants started looking pretty shitty. Going on 2 weeks today, plants have been looking live and green. Today plants are all curled up, and brown. Not sure what happened. Im thinking it has something to do with the water, rather it be the pH or the water temperature. I am using gallons of Natural Drinking Water, tested pH and it was waaay off. I got it down to around 5.6-5.8 using pH Down. When i went to change the water last week i noticed the water that was in the res was really warm. dont have a temp gauge to get exact temp. I also tested the pH and it was back to where it was when i bought it. Dont have access to cam right now, but ill post pics tonight.



Well-Known Member
With something like that happening so quickly I would check your water pump first.

My bad experience with the AG original is that the roots get too bulky and end up clogging the sytem. At least this is what happened to mine; the roots worked their way right into the pump and killed it by the time the plant was 9 inches tall. By the time I realized the pump was out it was too late. But I did manage to get ahold of a new pump through their warrenty, and a batch of veggie seeds.

Now I still use my AG. As a clone machine. I take cuttting and put them in rockwool in the AG and turn it on (with proper H20). After a few weeks...... roots.


Well-Known Member
With something like that happening so quickly I would check your water pump first.

My bad experience with the AG original is that the roots get too bulky and end up clogging the sytem. At least this is what happened to mine; the roots worked their way right into the pump and killed it by the time the plant was 9 inches tall. By the time I realized the pump was out it was too late. But I did manage to get ahold of a new free pump through their warrenty, and a batch of veggie seeds.

I still use my AG; As a clone machine. I take cuttting and put them in rockwool in the AG and turn it on (with proper H20). After a few weeks...... roots. Its perfect for this.


Active Member
With something like that happening so quickly I would check your water pump first.

My bad experience with the AG original is that the roots get too bulky and end up clogging the sytem. At least this is what happened to mine; the roots worked their way right into the pump and killed it by the time the plant was 9 inches tall. By the time I realized the pump was out it was too late. But I did manage to get ahold of a new free pump through their warrenty, and a batch of veggie seeds.

I still use my AG; As a clone machine. I take cuttting and put them in rockwool in the AG and turn it on (with proper H20). After a few weeks...... roots. Its perfect for this.

Ill be sure to keep that in mind, but in this case, i know its something else. Plants are about an inch tall, and root and clear.