Newbie Question


Active Member
If I grow my plant indoors, will it stink up my house? I heard it will and I also heard it won't. What are your guy's experience on this?


Elite Rolling Society
Man, you just can't imagine the smell that 2 or 3 or 4 12 inch tall plants can make, especially good indica plants. They don't call it skunk weed for nothing. BUT, we grow in a spare bedroom closet, and we keep the bedroom door CLOSED and when the repairman came to the house, he didn't smell anything. You can vent the room, or open a window(if you don't have nosey neighbors) or buy a deodorizer, or a small room air freshener. It is sort of like eating _ _ _ _ _, you don't let the smell slow you down !


Active Member
damn, so that means it does =\ I was hoping that it didn't. I guess I am going to just keep the outside grow for now till I find a better place. =)

EDIT: Yea, I might give it a second though then. I just need good ventilation and maybe some good smelly scents =D


Well-Known Member
nothing beats a carbon filter for smells, also an ozone generator but those are a little overpriced! If you want to use chemicals Ozium worked great on my first grow and it comes in a dispenser form so it can be sprayed automatically.