Newbie Question for The BORED


Active Member
OK.My question is what if someone planted a seed indoors and didnt give it enough light say only about 3,500 lumens.Would it take a VERY long time for the plant to grow or will it just die?

And my other question is what would happen to a natural grown marijuana plant in a forest that only recieves about 7 or 8 hours of sun because i've seen natural grown plants that are grown in the shade of huge redwood trees but it was tall and healthy.Would it still grow buds or no?

Sorry for the stupid questions.I did say this question was for the bored!Haha

!!Thanks to everyone who reads this!!


Well-Known Member
1. The plant would grow very slow and be very stringy and would produce very little.

2. If the plant was vegged to good size it might do all right, it will immediately start flowering with that small amount of light hours. I have put some small ones outside in shade and they didnt grow any bigger and produced weak buds.