Newbie question about flowering

Wonderful. This is my first harvest and I don't want to mess up. I already tried smoking the plants lil sister that passed away 5 weeks into flowering when my girl forget to add water to the reservoir when I was traveling and that smoke was a light cerebral high-energy high that we enjoyed. Can't wait to try the mature version. Time to read up on how to harvest. I saw that someone talked about a slow roast in the oven to dry the buds for a quick cure but I am going to let them hang for 3 days and then jar them, store in a dark place and air them out twice a day for 2 weeks. I am so ready for this.

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Oh for gods sake.
NOT YET! wait at least 1 more week. They have not bulked up all the way yet!!!

the biggest problem for newbies is to be PATIENT!!!

Your leaves yellowed out because you had the P&K to high and to early too! Extra N will NOT fix that problem!!!!

DO NOT bake yer harvest to dry it out faster!!!!!! Cut, trim, dry in a 50% humidity area ( at least as close as you can get ) and do not jar it until you can bend a stem and it breaks/cracks (does not have to be in half, just so it cracks and not just "bends" over).
Then jar......Drying slowly is the only way to get it right!!!!

PLEASE read up on how to harvest/dry/cure BEFORE you continue.....

You maybe "so ready for this" but I swear that you'll like your results better if you wait a bit longer and dry it out PROPERLY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The reason the leaves are turning yellow is because the plant is taking all the food for the buds which it is supposed too. And really take your time drying and curing you don't want to invest all this time and screw yourself by rushing the most important steps. I am only on my third grow but the longer you cure it the better it will burn and taste. I know its hard to wait but it really is worth the extra wait.....Just sayin.....When I hit my second mason jar I could really tell the difference ( 3 weeks older) and the 3rd jar was even better. Anyway good luck ENJOY....Keep growing