Newbie, please verify my formula


Hi folks!

Some funkiness with the forum, I posted exactly this before, and its not showing up...
Hope its ok to jump in. Im trying to recreate Fatmans Veg and Bloom formulas, or whatever you nice people suggest. I have found the following recipe :

I have the following chemicals available to me :

I input these values in hydrobuddy


And I get vastly different results... Please note that the Mass below is in ounces, and it is a bug that does not change Mass (g). I can understand weights of elements used being different from the originial formula, but the NPK suggested in the original formula is 3.25 : 1 : 3.24, also different. edit, when I multiply my NPK ratios by 3.25, I get close.



What am I missing ?

Thanks for any and all help folks!
Take care!
Are the ppm counts per 5.3 gallons?
Per gallon?

Sorry, I'm no help with hydrobuddy.

I'm trying to keep it simple.
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Hi folks!

Some funkiness with the forum, I posted exactly this before, and its not showing up...
Hope its ok to jump in. Im trying to recreate Fatmans Veg and Bloom formulas, or whatever you nice people suggest. I have found the following recipe :

I have the following chemicals available to me :

I input these values in hydrobuddy


And I get vastly different results... Please note that the Mass below is in ounces, and it is a bug that does not change Mass (g). I can understand weights of elements used being different from the originial formula, but the NPK suggested in the original formula is 3.25 : 1 : 3.24, also different. edit, when I multiply my NPK ratios by 3.25, I get close.



What am I missing ?

Thanks for any and all help folks!
Take care!
Someone here like 5,6 years ago where saying that fatman numbers where too high. Sorry but I don’t have a link.

me imho I follow this guys recipe @ 400 concentration factor.


Good luck and happy growing
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Thank you all so much for taking the time here.
My apologies for the absolute mess my first post is. Im still trying to get my dumb head around nutes and the chemistry behind it.

Ive trying to spend as much time that I can to study up and get a better understanding of plant nutrients. I now know my Primary secondary and micro nutes.
I am aware that heavy metals are best used in chelated form to avoid them bonding with other elements and falling out of the solution. I understand that Iron and sulphates dont mix, is this correct ?
I got some super help at 420, and am to understand that NH4+ can be toxic in higher quantities. Sulphur aids in sweetening the taste of the flower, and a general understanding of how HB works.

im in Asia, and getting anything here is a pain, and if available, very expensive. One of the main reason im trying to go the DIY route with nutes so early on in my growing experience. I have also just taken delivery of a tent and a qb light, so im quite imapteint to get going! :)

Next post...
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Your post is a little confusing
Hey dog! Thanks for the reply. yes. But please ignore that post, ill start again.
@TintEastwood and @Mont@n@ , thanks folks! So I tried to replicate Sidewings recipe linked to by Mont@n@, and I get the following, does this look reasonable ? Substances used are bearing in mind what available to me, and getting MagnesiumNitrate is still difficult, rest is good. I tried to not use Magnesium Nitrate, but HB was not being convinced.

Im understanding that the following recipe is good for complete cycle Mj growing ?

1596879497929.png Molyb-N is Ammonium Molybdate @ 52% Mo


Does this look good folks ? How can I improve, ill try compile a list of substances available to me, while I continue to study how this whole thing works in the background! But I really would like to start a grow now! :)

I also read that if we are not careful, some metals can fall out of solution permanently. I tried using chelates where i could. Im also reading Fe DTPA is better suited than Fe EDTA, while i do not know the difference yet, both are available to me, but I already have EDTA.

Im fully open to any recommendations. I know nothing. And am here to learn. if there are better or more appropriate formulas I am happy to adapt. My main concern would be that a solution should be good to store over a long period of time.

Is it OK to use RO water off my home water filter, or is there a good benefit to purchase Distilled ?

Thank folks!
Please be safe and take care!
Here is a list of Substances that I can get locally, only Magnesium Nitrate has a long delivery time.

molyb-N is Ammonium Molybdate @ 52% Mo
Silfert is 23% free silicon and 5% K2O


I dont yet own all, but will place an order once I know what to get.
Thanks again folks!
Hey dog! Thanks for the reply. yes. But please ignore that post, ill start again.
@TintEastwood and @Mont@n@ , thanks folks! So I tried to replicate Sidewings recipe linked to by Mont@n@, and I get the following, does this look reasonable ? Substances used are bearing in mind what available to me, and getting MagnesiumNitrate is still difficult, rest is good. I tried to not use Magnesium Nitrate, but HB was not being convinced.

Im understanding that the following recipe is good for complete cycle Mj growing ?

View attachment 4647567
View attachment 4647569 Molyb-N is Ammonium Molybdate @ 52% Mo

View attachment 4647571

Does this look good folks ? How can I improve, ill try compile a list of substances available to me, while I continue to study how this whole thing works in the background! But I really would like to start a grow now! :)

I also read that if we are not careful, some metals can fall out of solution permanently. I tried using chelates where i could. Im also reading Fe DTPA is better suited than Fe EDTA, while i do not know the difference yet, both are available to me, but I already have EDTA.

Im fully open to any recommendations. I know nothing. And am here to learn. if there are better or more appropriate formulas I am happy to adapt. My main concern would be that a solution should be good to store over a long period of time.

Is it OK to use RO water off my home water filter, or is there a good benefit to purchase Distilled ?

Thank folks!
Please be safe and take care!

Hi there, unfortunately I don’t remember the differences between DPTA and EDPA (I read long time ago that DTPA is better) But check church haze hydrobuddy post and you might find the answer there.

yes you can use RO but you will need cal mag.

First link is to church hydrobuddy post and the second is to make your own cal mag plus 4N/3.2Ca/1.2Mg/1Fe

I use this elemental numbers with cal mag to feed my mother plants in coco and for a flower LP aeroponic system with good results.
by the way I’m not a pro but I’m more than pleased to have all what the plant needs in 3 bottles of nutrients.

Good luck
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Thanks a ton Mont@n@! Much appreciated!
What strength is your concentration ? And to what EC are you feeding ?

how are you measuring how much Cal Mag to use ? Why cant we just up the Cal-Mag ratios in the main AB nutes ? Is it cause CalMag requirements change over the lifespan of the plant ? And having a higher concentration early could case issues ?

Super thanks again!
I use this elemental numbers with cal mag to feed my mother plants in coco and for a flower LP aeroponic system with good results.
by the way I’m not a pro but I’m more than pleased to have all what the plant needs in 3 bottles of nutrients.

meaning you using the THCFamer thread recipie for your calmag ?
What ec?
I’m using 1ml of a and b.
1 to 2 ml diy cal mag but that’s for coco Mother plants. I have to feed them twice a day with a low ec to avoid salts build up.
I have tried a+b only but I saw the brown spot days later so I went back to add cal mag.
I’m still learning coco lol.
I didn’t have to use cal mag in my flower lp aeroponics with the strains that I have grown.

305-315 ppm @700 Cal Mag Plus
290 ppm @700 diy Cal Mag 0.4ec 5ml
1ml = 58 diy Cal mag 0.1ec

All around formula
1255ppm @700 1.8ec 10ml
1ml = 126ppm 0.2ec

How much cal mag?
If you remove all the minerals from your tap water it’s recommended to use cal mag but you can try your numbers and update this post since there are a few people in here that use a hydrobuddy profile and talk about their recipes or results.

The baseline for flower is:
100n/100p/200k/100Ca Lucas/pH/Mel Frank numbers.

Plz let us know how it went for you and good luck.
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[QUOTE =“ Mont @ n @,post:15717675,member:64666”]


第一个链接是教堂的水电预算站,第二个链接是制作自己的校准磁石,再加上4N / 3.2Ca / 1.2Mg / 1Fe Nutritions-in-5-minutes.894332 /

我将此元素编号与cal mag结合使用,以可可和蓝色LP花气生系统为母本植物供食,效果很好。

对我来说,这是一个伟大的发现!由于大麻在我国不合法,因此警察对大麻的营养控制要求很高!这让我感到沮丧!我不能在我的国家购买诸如普通水培法之类的肥料,但我一直对上帝的礼物充满向往和热情!我有几年的生长经验,并且了解一些基本的园艺知识,但是对化学一无所知。我正在努力学习。我已经阅读了您提供的链接,甚至在此论坛中“ DIY您自己的品牌营养”。对我来说,这是前所未有的挑战,但是我对大麻充满热情,并且我不会放弃探索!因为我知道在我的国家,如果我想进行种植研究,学习我自己的营养配方食品是我唯一的选择(幸运的是,在我的国家,您可以购买基本元素,例如硝酸钙和硫酸镁!)。在此之前,我一直在寻找任何人都成功使用了基本元素比率的情况(我什至想知道这是由于缺乏知识而导致的不切实际的举动,所以对我来说有点奇怪!)现在通过您的描述,让我意识到〜所有这些都是可以实现的现实梦想!再次感谢您和为此工作撰写文章的人们!如果可能的话,您能给我写您的公式吗?我很感激!和平!所以对我来说有点奇怪!)现在通过您的描述,让我知道〜所有这些都是可以实现的现实梦想!再次感谢您和为此工作撰写文章的人们!如果可能的话,您能给我写您的公式吗?我很感激!和平!所以对我来说有点奇怪!)现在通过您的描述,让我知道〜所有这些都是可以实现的现实梦想!再次感谢您和为此工作撰写文章的人们!如果可能的话,您能给我写您的公式吗?我很感激!和平!
[QUOTE =“ Mont @ n @,post:15717675,member:64666”]
For me, it's a great discovery! Because cannabis is illegal in our country, the police have high nutritional control requirements for cannabis! It makes me depressed! I can't buy fertilizers like ordinary hydroponics in my country, but I've always been yearning for and passionate about God's gifts! I have several years of growing experience and know some basic gardening knowledge, but know nothing about chemistry. I'm trying to learn. I've read the links you've provided, even in this forum, "DIY Your Own Brand Nutrition." It's an unprecedented challenge for me, but I'm passionate about marijuana and I'm not going to give up exploring! Because I know that in my country, if I want to do planting research, learning my own nutritional formula is my only option (fortunately, in my country, you can buy basic elements such as calcium nitrate and magnesium sulfate!). )。 Until then, I've been looking for situations where anyone has successfully used the basic element ratio (I'd even like to know if this is an unrealistic move due to a lack of knowledge, so it's a bit strange to me!). Now through your description, let me realize that all of these are realistic dreams that can be realized! Thank you again and the people who wrote for this work! Could you write me your formula if possible? I appreciate it! Peace! So it's a little strange to me! Now through your description, let me know that all of these are realistic dreams that can be realized! Thank you again and the people who wrote for this work! Could you write me your formula if possible? I appreciate it! Peace! So it's a little strange to me! Now through your description, let me know that all of these are realistic dreams that can be realized! Thank you again and the people who wrote for this work! Could you write me your formula if possible? I appreciate it! Peace!
I use Reverse osmosis water (RO) 0 ppm and diy cal Mag formula at 150ppm@700. My formula didn’t work in coco, i had K toxicity.
Good luck and happy growing
Ps. I had to use bing translate :D, and hydrobuddy runs on a windows 64bit (x64)
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