Newbie(Old guy) needs advise

I just found a soil test kit the I bought a while back for my tomatoes.
Called "rapitest" made by Luster leaf. You can test for NPK as well as soil ph.
I am now doing the test, I will post the results tomorrow.
Thanks a Bunch guys, LETSTRIP, I read the links you posted, Wow,thats a bunch to absorb.
Thanks Crazy and Steel for your imput.
If I was younger I am sure I could retain more of this the first time around but at least
I can go back and re-read all the good info.
One of the most encouraging threads I have ever read. Way to go Goat!

What was the pH of the last feed that included the chicken manure'd compost tea?

I don't want to say to "do" anything just yet, I'd just like to get some more information. I think I may have had an encounter with leaves doing what yours did in the recent pictures you posted.

Let me know

Thanks keys,
I don't know what the ph of the chiken manure supplemented tea was
as I didn't test it before I fed it to my baby girl.
After I noticed the leaf problem the next day, all i did was flush it with a gallon of
ph 7.0 water. Maybe not the smartest thing have done, just a kneejerk reaction!
It is still wet so i haven't done anything else yet!
I did just do a soil test for ph and npk.
Here are the results,
N- Depleted
P- Surplus
K- Sufficient
I am really not sure what to feed it to correct these problems!
Thanks in advance for any advise I really need some help if it is not too late!

The plant really has some nice flowers/buds and I really need the meds. so
I am really hopeful that it can be fixed.
So, the water you flushed with, will for sure have cleansed the soil of anything that might have caused the leaves to yellow.

Now, the soil test you did is awesome. Based on the results you shared, she has good amount of Phosphorus, and Potassium available in the soil. This is great for healthy and potent flower development.

What seems to be lacking is Nitrogen, as the test is telling you it is depleted from the soil.

Now, without doing anything else, let's work together and go over what has happened

- Your girl goes into flower, starts putting on huge buds, and at this point she is working hard to produce fruits right?

- You brew a very potent and nutrient dense organic compost tea. You have been doing this with great success, and this time you add the chicken manure. I am not sure the %'s and potency of the manure itself, but I am pretty sure that in adding it to the compost tea, the overall pH is going to spike down. Is manure acidic? Would it cause the pH to drop? If so, what may have happened is, when you put the chicken manure in the tea, it brought the pH to somewhere in the 4's or. 5's, and Nitrogen is less available at that range.

- I may not be spot on accurate in my thoughts, and I am not suggesting that you do anything else right now, as your girl sounds to be very healthy, I am just trying to see what might have happened.

- For me, and I do not concern too much over pH, but I prefer to adjust it to 6.4/6.5 and this way I know that what I am putting into the soil will be in a range that is well balanced for cannabis plants and what they like.

Do you have a current photo for us?
Ok, here are some new pics I just took.
The leaves on the stems where the flowers are still seem to look healthy and a nice green.
I got the Suburban engine running and waiting to go get the meds. for her! LOL
It is pretty hard to have a good sense of humor when your kid is sick.


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She is in her bed in her littler corner of my shop, now turned into a MJ nursery.
Couldn't put her outside today, it is 102 here today!!!
I just found a couple products that Home Depot has;



Any thoughts on whether one or both of these would work.
The Organic fish and Kelp fert. has both fish and kelp.

Help, I need to get something done if it is not tooooo late.

A Million thanks to all of you for taking the time to get this OLD newbie some meds..

If your going to go with a bottled fertilizer, the organic fish and kelp would be better I think.

It looks like she is in need of Mg, the reddish/purple stems.

You need to feed and water at a pH of 6.5 or close. That will help make the available nutrients more accessible to her.

Check the pH of your soil as well, that will affect the water you feed her.

The compost teas you've been making are really the best overall nutrients. Stick with those but get the pH in range.
Worm poop is a good source of N. It's normal for your plant to turn yellow but not allways. Or that quickly. Since your P and K are not depleted I would Definitely go with the ewc top dress and even a simple tea 1 gallon of water 1/2 tbls molasses and 1/2 cup of ewc. bubble 48 hours. The crispy spots on your leaves most likely are mg def. since your p and k are good. A pinch of epsom salt in your water could help with this. I'm not sure about adding it to a tea, I wouldn't.

I don't worry about ph too much either. I have checked my well water just to be sure it's not way off, but soil will help buffer it to a good range.

Are you letting your water sit out for a day before using to allow the chlorine to evaporate. I would. I'm moving and going to be on city water soon, gonna have to start doing that. Yeah your flowers look great for 4 weeks!!!
Your buds look great for 4 weeks, looks like itl be quite strong :) Sounds like its defiantly the N then. Get those organic nutes with some ph'd water and give her a good feed and foiler feed.
Those articles are quite a read ha!
First off, thanks for all the feedback/advise, it is because of guys like you that an old fart may be able
to get off all the Oxy that I take Woohoo!! And in years I am ancient, 72 next March, but heh it's only a ###

I have this coming from an ebay seller;
should be here friday. I will topcoat the pot with it.

The soil ph is allways between 6.5 and 7.0, I check it weekly. I added a little
Dolomite lime to the soil maybe a month ago.

The next time I water I will put a pinch of epson salts in the water fo the Mg. prob..

Would you guys go with the Alaska fish fert. or the one that also has kelp in it? I will pick
up some at the Home Depot tomorrow.

Here is my feeding schedule,
Water-Water with Morbloom- Tea and then back to water. 2 to 3 days between feedings
depending on the soil moisture. I allways ph the water to 6.5 before I feed or brew tea.
Would you guys let this baby dry out before putting anything on it?

Looks like I have 25 lbs. of chicken shit to get rid of, maybe I will put it on my citrus trees!!!

Actually I just started the 4th week of 12/12 on the 26th.

I was really surprised when I did the soil tests and found that the Nitogen was depleted.
Maybe because I flushed the pot???
I am thinking that maybe this was about to happen anyway, maybe me putting that
chicken compost in the tea just hurried it along!

How important are those Big(Fan) leaves? Would it be a benifit to just sever them near the stalk?
The Petioles with the buds/flowers are still healthy! Maybe it is the Oxy. talking.
Thankya Thankya Thankya
Keep the leaves. I am kinda hoping Uncle Ben gets to chiming in around here. I like what I am hearing Goat, Thanks for informing me of your feeding cycle. All sounds good to me!
I meant to ask, do any of you know" tooteefrootee" from rollitup?
He has a journal and along with other guys helped me a lot
in the beginning. The reason I am asking is that I haven't heard anything
from him in over a month. I think he is in South Carolina, I thing he has
been active on here for over 2 yrs. and then just dissapeared.
I know he mentioned to me that he was having some issues with his heart.
Just thought I would ask
Well guys, got some Fish and Kelp combo(2 tbl to a gallon of water) today and fed it to them tonight.
Also threw in a pinch of epson salts-1/4 tsp. for the Mg.. Goin to mix up some foliar spray tomorrow for the leaves.
then back to regular feeding schedule.
How often would you feed this mix to her?
That Fish crap is some stinky shit!!!!
I should have my EWC in a couple days. What do think about topping my girl with it?
And then next tea brew us it instead of cow poo, along with my mollasses and leaves
that I use with my normal brew?
Maybe alternate the Cow poo and EWC with every other tea brew???
If I am off track please let me know your thoughts.
Two months ago I had never even heard of making tea or EWC and a bunch of other stuff.
I will post some pics. in a few days after I see what this does for her.
Tanks again,
Wishing you the very best of luck fella. I hope the RIU community has helped you in your initial journey into growing.