Newbie needs !! What is wrong with my plant...Help Please


Active Member
Hi there everyone, This is my first grow, and i only have one plant and i want to keep it alive so any advise would be really helpfull.
For some reason, in the last week the a few of the lower tips of the leave are yellow and and the plant looks droopy, i have read a few articels and i believe its nut burn (to much nutriants) i have read the labels and gave it what the bottle said, is it maybe i should only be giving it half strengh itill its older or always half strenght, so i flushed it 4 days ago, should the leaves go back to green or will the stay like that. The other thing is thats it looks droopy, i have read that not to over water your plants maybe 2-3 times a week and ever since that thats when it started to droop. i must say though the soil mix that im useing draines water very quick and doesnt hold much. (dont ask me what my soil consists of as im only new 65% potting mix 10% perlite 10% sand and15% soil. Should i water it more often then.
Its just been put under a 600w lamp, hope this is enough info for you guys.
Help please


Brick Top

New Member
The burned tips and edges will remain, those portions of the leaves were severely damaged, but the droop will go away and the plant should be just fine.

Only water when your soil gets dry. Learn to read what your plant is telling you and learn what a pot with dry soil in it feels like when it comes to weight and when you stick a finger into the soil about two inches or so. Set watering schedules can be a problem because conditions change, temperature and humidity goes up and down and plants grow and plants can use more or less water over any given period of time so plants will not always need water on the same exact time schedule. Let your soil dry out between waterings.


Well-Known Member
Plant seems too young for nutes yet, I would wait until it has approximately five sets of leaves. Once you flush it leave it alone for about four to five days, no water. Mary Jane likes to dry out before her next watering, I grew bagseed and watered too much at first, bought a soil moisture meter at Lowe's for five bucks. It helped because when I thought the pot was dry the moisuture meter told me otherwise. So, no nutes yet and cut down watering by a day or too. As the plant gets bigger you have to make sure the pot is big enough, don't want it to become rootbound. Hope this helps, peace.


Well-Known Member
Yeah like both them said you need to let the soil dry before you water again. Just stick your finger in the soil to your second knuckle(about 2in) if it is dry water it, if it is not then leave it alone.


Active Member
hey guys...i got a very similar problem to xsmokeyx.....the only difference being that my super skunk plants are 4 weeks in to flowering and starting to show yellow tips on some leaves?????....some of the white pistils ave already turned orangey (very small amount but still) already and i havent got any propa big buds yet... they r still hidin under the pstills...shouldnt they have come out by now???? gna try getin sum pics up soon but any info will be greatly appreciated for now


Well-Known Member
Overwatering give the plants time to dry to many people are getting into robotik watering .ph of the water is criticle don't worry so much about the ph of the soil.the yellowing is probebly caused by excess saly build up plants need flushing during a grow not just the end if the plants are flushed on a regular basis you will see far better results.flush about 3/4 time during veg and 4/5 time's during flowering once flushed this may sound odd but once the water has run clear then add fresh made nutrients when i say fresh i mean like a hour b4 make sure the ph is not too high and don't get any on the leaves this will cause nute burns.let the plant dry then rewater max of two water's a week.