Newbie needs some help, lighting


Active Member
I just started my first grow about a month ago and i thought they were looking pretty good. I've been giving them about 10 hrs of light a night . Granted im not gonna keep them inside for much longer, i will put outside after last frost,which is about the 15th but my question is, will this small amount of light affect my plants terribly or will they be ok once i transplant them outside??? Please help me out!!:confused:


Well-Known Member
Uhhh, yeah. That's fucking your plants up if you want to plant them outdoors for a whole season. Throw 18/6 into the mix and make them strong like bull. I'm surprised your plants aren't budding already. Anyway, it sounds like they will be better off outdoors.


Well-Known Member
Well, I always keep the faith, so I am sure you can pull through. I'm curious though, how do you plan on setting a timer for 24/7 cycle? I can tell you right now if you try it manually you will mess your plants up worse.


Active Member
k yea thats wat i thought, if i just leave the lights on all the time how long should i do that for?? and if i messed these up too bad theres still time to plant more adn puttem outside right??with enough time to harvest


Well-Known Member
Oh well then, that is retarded too. Seriously, trust me on this. Run your light for 18 hours, turn it off for 6 hours, repeat.

This is hurting my brain. Go study the growfaq before you hurt yourself.


Well-Known Member
if i was you i would plant some more keep the light on 24/7 for about a month and then put your babys outside. when the light is 12/12 that makes them make buds so you have put them in there flowerin stage they could be making buds right now but they mite be ok dont know with no pic how tall are they?