Newbie needs help with plant problem during flower **PLEASE HELP PICS INCLUDED


New Member
Hi guys,

I'm growing for my second time to handle my medicinal needs. Unfortunately, it has not been smooth sailing. I'm running a recirculating system and my growing medium is Grodan rockwool cubes. I'm using the General Hydroponics Expert Flora Series. Fortunately, I have a good connection for clones. The clones are treated for mites and mold before I begin to flower. There are no mold or mite problems. There is a dehumidifier in the room and temperature is always ideal. I run CO2 at 1000PPM.

The first two times I've tried this system, I had about 15% of my plants begin to show stress in week 4-5 of flower. They begin to look like they're drying up. The end result is a whole plant that is yellow and dry (including the flower). The strange thing is the flower still has crystals and smells good, but it has completely yellowed. During my first grow, I flushed my plant when almost completely yellowed over and gave it water. The odd thing is some of them kind of came back and started to green over.

The problems starts with 1)plants start looking sad 2)leaves start to yellow, leaves closest to the actual buds yellow first 3)the buds and stalks turn yellow, almost looks like straw or hay

Any idea what could this be? Is it hard water? Over feeding? Please help as I cannot figure this out. I've attached a couple pictures. The one with green is when these plants first start to show signs of stress. The second one is almost when the plant is ruined.

Thanks so much for the time.IMG_0328.JPGIMG_0329.JPG


Well-Known Member
wow, so you haven't mentioned your fert level. what ppm do you use for early, mid, and flowering? what brand?
this looks like a bad case of over fert.


Well-Known Member
geez..I have problems in flower too but..I lose all leaves somewhere in the middle of flower ussually and they kind of stay looking like your first pic but by the end no lwaves are really green, but the buds still look normal and dense and tasty at the end when I harvest.

pretty sure my problem is not watering enough (which makes me feel stupid if I end up being right) but with how your buds even get discoloured id say you might be feeding too much on top of having moisture issues. when your plant is frequently dry in thw root zone nutrient burn xan be mich more prevalent.


Well-Known Member
Drop the hydro for now. Buy a bag of good soil like Fox Farms. Learn about the plant. Changes in hydro occur so quickly that if you know little to nothing about pot the potential for everything to go to hell happens overnight.


Well-Known Member
drop the CO2 too.

hydro? soil? pH? ppm/EC? looks like you burnt them with way too strong nutes. are you following the directions on the GH feeding schedule? if so, cut that in half.


New Member
Thanks for the response.

I was suspecting nutrient burn. It's just strange that only 15% of the room turns out this way and the other 85% is okay when getting the same feed schedule. I followed the GH feed schedule the first time. This time I cut it in half and still had the same problem. I'm suspecting Liquid KoolBloom might be causing this. Anyone have experience with this?

My PPM for the first run was: Week 1 (650PPM) Week 2-6 (1100-1300PPM) Week 7-8 (1200-1400PPM) Week 9 (1100-1300) Week 10 (Flush 0-200PPM)

I stop CO2 at the end of week 8.

My PPM for the second run was 80% of what is was on the first run. I also did 50% of liquid koolbloom.

Do I need to be flushing at any point before the end?


Active Member
Thanks for the response.

I was suspecting nutrient burn. It's just strange that only 15% of the room turns out this way and the other 85% is okay when getting the same feed schedule. I followed the GH feed schedule the first time. This time I cut it in half and still had the same problem. I'm suspecting Liquid KoolBloom might be causing this. Anyone have experience with this?

My PPM for the first run was: Week 1 (650PPM) Week 2-6 (1100-1300PPM) Week 7-8 (1200-1400PPM) Week 9 (1100-1300) Week 10 (Flush 0-200PPM)

I stop CO2 at the end of week 8.

My PPM for the second run was 80% of what is was on the first run. I also did 50% of liquid koolbloom.

Do I need to be flushing at any point before the end?
I have a recirculating system using flora expert and am having similar troubles. Have you figured it out? Bedfore i would use the flora simple and had no


Well-Known Member
Maybe its as simple as overdosing the ferts from day one? I don't know your temps but they need to be high with that level of co2 ime with a decent lighting set up otherwise they just can't assimilate all that food. My ppm in a well dialled in room with recirculating system DWC Hydro etc never goes over 1100 max and thats a one week push at peak of flower, calibrate and check the meter next time and build the feed slower. Whats the lighting you guys have on?