Newbie Needs Help With Humidity Jive.....

Hi All,

I'm on my very first grow, and things were looking good until now. Last night my
li'l beauties went under the (400w) sodium lamp for the first time, and they're looking
real sorry for themselves. The problem, I think, is humidity - I can't get it above 20% :sad:

My local grow-shop owner reckons low humidity isn't really an issue - but my plants are real droopy and don't look good at all. The temp in the tent is a constant 25C, so no bother there, and soil, water etc is all spot on, so the only thing I can assume is that it's the low humidity causing the droop (unless their first stint under the lamp has phased them?) The plants are all over a foot tall, with lotsa leaves, so I don't think I've put them under too early?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, folks!

Cheers, DNo9


Well-Known Member
how is your soil? does it drain well did you mix in perlite or vermiculite? how and how often do you water? any pics?


Well-Known Member
humidifyer get cool or hot depends on where you at wit yo temps

to cheap try this get big bucket fill wit water hang a towel above it so its about one third in water it will wick up water putting moisture into air

good luck


Is your light to low? Do you have a fan in the room? Are you taking your temps from under the light or some were else in the room? pick your light up at least 2 foot over tops and get a fan blowing between light and tops.
Cheers for the help, folks. Yeah, I'm doin all those things man, except for the humidifier - bit pricey here in Blighty!

I'm using Canna Proff soil (drains well) with Atami ATA Organics Growth C, Root C at the moment and they're on a 400 watt sodium light in a Dr80. Been
watering 5ml of each in one litre and they've needed watering once every 2-3 days. Temperatures have been a little on the high side (as with
the humidity, it's been a learning curve!) at between 25-28 degrees. I think a couple of plants - White Widow included - could do with re-potting.
I've been shutting lamp and fan off at 6:00pm until 00:00am, so it doesn't make a noise when I send the kids to bed (the grow-room's in a bedroom)
- dy'a reckon I should alter this, as humidity shoots up to 70% from 20% with lamp and fan off?

Here are a couple of pics - one of the droopy White Widow, and one with the WW juxtaposed with the healthy-ish Trainwreck:

Thanks again, folks - your expertise is much appreciated!
Well I changed the WW over to a bigger pot, and she looked really perky after a while. This lasted a few hours, and then
she got all floppy again, man:( Jive.

Has anyone got any pointers?

Cheers, Dn9


Active Member
what food/nutes are you using? In vega state you wonna use Fox Farms big bloom, will help strengthen branches.


Well-Known Member
leave your fan on at all times this will help to stabilize the environment. also you might want to wait a little bit longer in between watering. water thoroughly and less often. wait till the pots are noticeably lighter and then wait another day just to be sure. it is possible that you are over watering, also i like to fert my plants every other watering.