newbie needs help from experienced

I am a big newbie at growing plz don't laugh at my dumb questions since im obviously a newb im currently on my first grow, was wondering what would be the best soil to use from a local store such as lowes hd walmart or kmart next question is what would be the best nutrient I could buy from one of the same store, ok last question about how much should I water the plant during veg stage... any help would be greatly appreciated thanx kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
I am a big newbie at growing plz don't laugh at my dumb questions since im obviously a newb im currently on my first grow, was wondering what would be the best soil to use from a local store such as lowes hd walmart or kmart next question is what would be the best nutrient I could buy from one of the same store, ok last question about how much should I water the plant during veg stage... any help would be greatly appreciated thanx kiss-ass
Well don't feel bad. I think most are plagued by the same situation.

I would say to start the seed in cube seedling starters. Once they have established themselves. Transplant them to small pots with a soil that has the minimum to zero nutrients.

Walmart, Lowes, Home Depot, Kmart for some strange reason seem to only carry one type of soil. Miracle Grow.

Now most people will tell you never to use this soil for a variety of reasons. Nutrients to strong
Gnats in soil
etc etc etc.

I say if you have no other choice yes you can use it. Just make sure you mix it with some perlite, at least 30%, and go easy on the fertilizer when you do just start with half strength.

also make sure the plant is well established in the smaller pot before you transplant into miracle grow soil.

Another option is you can always get soil from a nursery.

There are many options out there. Just read through the posts. Do a search on soil.


Well-Known Member
I am a big newbie at growing plz don't laugh at my dumb questions since im obviously a newb im currently on my first grow, was wondering what would be the best soil to use from a local store such as lowes hd walmart or kmart next question is what would be the best nutrient I could buy from one of the same store, ok last question about how much should I water the plant during veg stage... any help would be greatly appreciated thanx kiss-ass
look up "hempy colective" on here... its a great artical.. "hempy" is a soiless medium that is amazing... after, type in "hempy" and read what others who have been growin in it think.. its great, lot less work and better growth!!!


Well-Known Member
You can pick up the coco fiber that u need for hempy buckets @ kmart ive gotten some thier b4 their also sell the starter plugs for seedlings


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i recommend for a total newbie to use a fert free soil.this will eliminate any pre developed root burn, and over feeding. just water with ph'ed water for a few weeks tell the roots and plant are stabilized. your leaves are going to turn a whitish/ yellowish color due to mute duff. this is normal. when it comes time to start feeding them start with 1/4 strength and work up. check the ph after you have mixed up your nuts and always check the ph in your run out every other week. im useing the HYPERNEX from walmart. nute free soil but you do need to add alot more perlite to the soil.
ok cool I got some nut free soil and perlite I got some Miracle grow for fertilizer but I have been looking at what ppl have been saying about it what would you guys recommend? bcuz I cant find any nutrients sold by themselves such as N-P-K...


Well-Known Member
ok cool I got some nut free soil and perlite I got some Miracle grow for fertilizer but I have been looking at what ppl have been saying about it what would you guys recommend? bcuz I cant find any nutrients sold by themselves such as N-P-K...
Ok lets explain what N-P-K means


Nitrogen - Nitrogen provides plants with the ability to produce more chlorophyll, which in turn allows plants to grow quickly. With each additional nitrogen application, plants will grow taller and develop a darker green color.

Phosphorus - Phosphorous aids in root development and increases flowering ability and bloom size.

Potassium - Potassium has many functions: It guards the plant against diseases and aids in drought protection and cold tolerance. It also serves a role in improving root development and helps in the process of photosynthesis.

Miracle grow fertilizer is ok, but never start off plants at full strength. Always start at 1/4 - 1/2 strength.

And I would wait at least three weeks before using.

Just make sure two weeks before harvest to stop fertilizing and flush the plants.