!!Newbie indoor weed grower needs help!!


Active Member
Alright so I decided to grow a seed i had from a good chronic sack just to admire its growth and get some bud as a hobby. I germinated the seed three weeks ago and it sprouted four sets of leaves that go different directions. I bought regular plotting soil at OSH that has a good Ph for marijuana and it has perlite so i dont need drainage holes. I only have two lamps im able to use to grow my ONE plant with and I purchased a warm 120 watt CFL bulb that uses 32 watts of energy and a cool 60 watt CFL bulb that only uses 15 watts. I SOMETIMES use sunlight from my window when possible(Helicopters). I keep my two CFLS 1 inch away from the plant and the plant is pretty tall and it looks healthy (Leaves arent yellow) but the stem was stretchy so i made something to hold it upright and now the stem is much harder but still kinda thin. The leaves are about an 1nch long and dark green and im using a 12 inch pot. I was wondering if you think it has a good chance to grow with only two CFLs or if you think i should end its life and start a new one when i can get a third lamp.

Thanks for reading my thread


Well-Known Member
yes i start mine with 2 cfl's also & have very good results , mabye move then lights a lil closer ,after about 2 weeks u will need like 2 more cfls tho ,, , even with perilite u will need drainage holes ,, just set ur whole pot on a tabel & sit urself on the floor,, get a knife or screwdriver ,, or whatever u have for drilling holes ,, a cordless drill mabye ,, & make a few holes ..... dont overwater & u should be golden