Newbie Hydro grower please help


Well-Known Member
I just bought an aerogarden pro100 from a local store. I am completely new to growing hydro, I know everything about soil, but nothing about growing in water. You guys are probably going to laugh at all my newbie questions.

1. What light cycle should I have my seedling growing in?
2. When do I add nutrients? Are the nutrient tablets the set came w/ okay?
3. What should my water's pH be at?
4. Anything else I should know as I journey into this adventure with no map?

Thanks a blunt everyone, I am lost with all this hydro stuff.


Active Member
k well for the past 10 billion hours i have read this and other forums about hydro so, light cycles dont change, you shouldnt add nutes till the plants have a decent amount of roots...but dont starve them, ph should be somewhere between 5.2 and 5.8 everyone will tell you something different lol. as i have not actually grown anythig yet theres nothing else i can really hint you on, but if you got questions ill try to answer them dawg, this should give u a start hope it helps


Well-Known Member
You could try searching aerogarden if the search feature was working. I know about hydro just not specifically about the aerogarden.

18hrs on 6 off (18/6) for the vegging stage. To flower you will switch to 12/12. PH should drift between 5.5 and 6.5. Keep temps around 70 to 80 with a high relative humidity during veg. as for nutes, wait till the plant has its first set of 3 finger leaves and then give 1/4 strength nutes. I recommend searching when the feature comes back up. There is also the it is very helpful:)


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing in general, but I've been running an eb and flow system. Done a lot of research on the forums, and my plants are doing lovely, so I'll see what I can do to help. I think a lot of the more experienced growers are just tired of answering the same questions over and over again.

1. What light cycle should I have my seedling growing in?
Same as with dirt, either 18/6 or 24/0. Some people say the plant needs the dark period to grow roots and take a break from all that growing, others say it can grow as long as there's light. I do 18/6, since it doesn't seem to make too much of a difference, and saves a little on the power bill.

2. When do I add nutrients? Are the nutrient tablets the set came w/ okay?

Most people say after 2 or 3 weeks. I've also heard after the 3rd or 4th node. I didn't know any better, and added nutes right away. As long as you do it slowly, and back off if they start to burn, they seem fine. I don't know anything about tablets. I'm using GH's flora series. Lots of people seem to like it, and it's relatively cheap.

3. What should my water's pH be at?

5.8-6.3 I have to adjust mine every other day to keep the reservoir there, but I think that's the rockwool's fault, and your system probably won't have that problem. I don't notice a difference even when it climbs up to 7.4, but I'm going with the general consensus on this one.

4. Anything else I should know as I journey into this adventure with no map?
Lots. There seem to be a million little things that go into growing weed, and at least a few more when you put hydro into the equation, but when it boils down to it... it is a weed. It's pretty hard to mess up as long as you check on your plants often and listen to what they're trying to tell you. You can pretty much find anything you ever want to know on these forums(the search function is awesome when it's working). I've run into several problems, but none have been disastrous. Check out my journal if wanna see the trials of a total noob jumping in head first.


Well-Known Member
I'm new to growing in general, but I've been running an eb and flow system. Done a lot of research on the forums, and my plants are doing lovely, so I'll see what I can do to help. I think a lot of the more experienced growers are just tired of answering the same questions over and over again.

1. What light cycle should I have my seedling growing in?
Same as with dirt, either 18/6 or 24/0. Some people say the plant needs the dark period to grow roots and take a break from all that growing, others say it can grow as long as there's light. I do 18/6, since it doesn't seem to make too much of a difference, and saves a little on the power bill.

2. When do I add nutrients? Are the nutrient tablets the set came w/ okay?

Most people say after 2 or 3 weeks. I've also heard after the 3rd or 4th node. I didn't know any better, and added nutes right away. As long as you do it slowly, and back off if they start to burn, they seem fine. I don't know anything about tablets. I'm using GH's flora series. Lots of people seem to like it, and it's relatively cheap.

3. What should my water's pH be at?

5.8-6.3 I have to adjust mine every other day to keep the reservoir there, but I think that's the rockwool's fault, and your system probably won't have that problem. I don't notice a difference even when it climbs up to 7.4, but I'm going with the general consensus on this one.

4. Anything else I should know as I journey into this adventure with no map?
Lots. There seem to be a million little things that go into growing weed, and at least a few more when you put hydro into the equation, but when it boils down to it... it is a weed. It's pretty hard to mess up as long as you check on your plants often and listen to what they're trying to tell you. You can pretty much find anything you ever want to know on these forums(the search function is awesome when it's working). I've run into several problems, but none have been disastrous. Check out my journal if wanna see the trials of a total noob jumping in head first.

Wow. That is pretty much everything I needed to know for the first two weeks of AG in one thread post. I have a soil garden as well so it is so hard to not get stuff mixed up. Even though there are people growing hundreds more plants than I am. But thanks a lot for taking the time out to help I appreciate it, and I think you're right about the pros out there get sick of answering these repetitive newbie questions. Once I figure out to give +rep I will get you.


Well-Known Member
Wow. That is pretty much everything I needed to know for the first two weeks of AG in one thread post. I have a soil garden as well so it is so hard to not get stuff mixed up. Even though there are people growing hundreds more plants than I am. But thanks a lot for taking the time out to help I appreciate it, and I think you're right about the pros out there get sick of answering these repetitive newbie questions. Once I figure out to give +rep I will get you.
The only contradictory info I read in this thread is the PH...

Typically in soil your PH is higher. In hydro it should be between 5.5 & 5.8. Everybody may have a different opinion but at this level you prevent lockout.

Also, you want to use hydro nutes and not soil nutes because of the ph deal...