Newbie here.


New Member
understand the basics, that's obvious ( dirt water light oh and don't forget the seeds right. lmao. guess I stepped into that one, but it's all good humor.


Well-Known Member
Welcome! Definitely read all the stickies in the general, newbie and plant problems rooms. Also grow set up. And later when you get there, harvesting and curing. As you read, you'll see you have to make some decisions about medium, lights, etc. When you know what you want to do, then feel free to ask a specific question (i.e. -- what's the optimal CFL set up for two plants grown in a 2x3x5 tent? How much light should come from above, and how much from the sides?). That's a specific question that you'll have from doing some reading, and you'll get some really great guidance on how to maximize your grow. If you just ask, what kind of lights do I need?, you'll get less of a response.

I've always done a ton of reading, narrowed my question down to something very specific, and I've gotten amazing, priceless assistance from the pros here.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Thanks! I'm getting ready for my next grow -- Pennywise and God's Gift. Just upgraded some of my equipment to include an air-cooled light and a carbon filter, so I'm expecting fewer problems and hopefully better results.

This will be the first time I've grown two strains in a single tent. In general I've always thought that it's best to go with one strain for even canopy and more uniform finishing times, but I'm tired of having just ONE weed to choose from. I want a little variety…I have plenty of sativa and sativa-dom bud now, and want a couple of indicas in the medicine chest. Since I grow just once a year, I'll probably grow indicas one year, sativas the next, etc.

Good luck with your grow!