Newbie here

So back in April/May of this year, I thew a bunch of seeds into a small pot with some soil and hoped to let nature take its course.

At first, several of the seeds sprouted up. Upon reflection, one of these was likely a male (I didn't do much in the way of research before experimenting with this, but now that I have looked at some pics of males, I am pretty sure it was a male), but it died and I took it out. I am guessing I took it out too late (it was probably mid-summer), as the other plant I still have has a few seeds growing from it. I believe this plant is female (it has some white hairs growing from the top of it), but I am not entirely sure. All the other seedlings/plants died before getting taller than 6-8 inches.

My question concerns the lack of size (it's roughly a foot tall and has two distinct buds forming on it, along with a few other leaves) and lack of buds on this plant. I don't really want it huge since it is just sitting next to my back porch (where it sat for several months before I realized the back porch light was likely stopping it from flowering), but I'd like it to have more than two small buds coming from it. Granted, it's probably "ruined" with the seeds (I doubt it has any more than the crappy bud I've been finding lately anyway), but it really seems to be growing abnormally slow. I'm hoping to be able to harvest these two buds by the end of October (here in the South, that shouldn't be a problem), but there doesn't appear to be much to them at this point. I'll try to post a pic tomorrow when it is light out.) This seems like an awfully long time for such a small harvest; should I have done more with fertilizing/using something other than tap water, etc? I figured nature would be able to pull it off just fine, but apparently not...

If I clip these two buds and then bring it inside (with lights, obviously) and start over for the winter, will it get bigger/better buds? Will they still have lots of seeds if there is no male around it, assuming I can get some more buds to grow?

Any thoughts would be much appreciated!


Active Member
not even. if your honestly gonna try and grow it to have something to smoke off of for like an hour let it flower for like 5-6 more weeks atleast. its tiny thought. id throw it away and start fresh with good seeds and good light.