Newbie here


Active Member
Hi, i'm new here.In my country canabis grows almost everywhere and no one touches them.These plants are not for smoking 0.01 THC.I had a plant from seeds bought online and grew very big and good for smoking.Now this year from the seeds plants are starting to grow (4cm tall now) about 9 plants.they will grow to maturity the climate is good but my question is.Its there gonna be females?



Active Member
sounds like you have plants that are just for hemp cultivation. there will be females just like there will be males, check some of the threads around this site for distinguishing males from fems



Active Member
also sounds like you have the perfect cover for growing some top bud amongst low thc plants gl bro!


old pothead

Well-Known Member
You will need to watch the wild weed close so the males do not polinate your girls.You will have a hard keeping them from not being polinated since it is air born and can travel a long distance.OPH


Well-Known Member
Hi, i'm new here.In my country canabis grows almost everywhere and no one touches them.These plants are not for smoking 0.01 THC.I had a plant from seeds bought online and grew very big and good for smoking.Now this year from the seeds plants are starting to grow (4cm tall now) about 9 plants.they will grow to maturity the climate is good but my question is.Its there gonna be females?
It's to erly to tell you have to wait till they get bigger to tell I don't have any males in my garden