Newbie here, first grow 1200 watt. females?


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry i left "watt" out.
Well that makes this thread a bit different than what I was thinking; that's some false advertising right there. That's like expecting to walk into a strip club and instead you walk into bingo night at the senior center in which the awkwardness is compounded because you say, "Screw it" and proceed to show off your pole dancing skills in your tiger striped banana hammock in front of your grandparents and all their friends anyway. This is going to take some serious therapy when all is said and done.

On a side note, if you have a 30X or 60X scope/eye loupe it helps a lot to determine sex from preflowers. If you're unsure you can grow them out a bit more and the flowers will beome more obvious in regards to sex. How old are your plants?


Well that makes this thread a bit different than what I was thinking; that's some false advertising right there. That's like expecting to walk into a strip club and instead you walk into bingo night at the senior center in which the awkwardness is compounded because you say, "Screw it" and proceed to show off your pole dancing skills in your tiger striped banana hammock in front of your grandparents and all their friends anyway. This is going to take some serious therapy when all is said and done.

On a side note, if you have a 30X or 60X scope/eye loupe it helps a lot to determine sex from preflowers. If you're unsure you can grow them out a bit more and the flowers will beome more obvious in regards to sex. How old are your plants?
Oh I know haha I changed it immediately. Saturday will be 7 weeks. Ive been watching it closely. Thanks for looking. Cheers


Just killed the bastard. I just transplanted them yesterday. I pulled it out and I'm wanting to know if I can just put another in its place like thisThis is an acapulco gold female. Because their was just a male there over night will it affect my female?ATTACH=full]3588923[/ATTACH]


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Well-Known Member
How do you know its a boy. You can only know if you clone it and flower in isolation.if you know another viable method I'm all ears. This is why Iused Good Feminized seedsthat have low signs of herm.
i can see the male growth in the pic above.