Newbie help with burns please

Hi, being my first grow I am a little stumped on how you tell what is killing my new babies. My seedlings seem to be growing a little slowly and the lower leaves are all yellowed, there are two that seem to have badly burnt leaves.

Sorry for the bad pictures.

These are thirteen days old from seed, they are in no name soil from Bunnings and have a pinch of Blood&Bone added to the small container of each. I do not know the Ph of the soil, the temps have been around 30 degrees for the last three days. I know that's a little high but I have no way of getting the temps below that during the day.

They have been on a mixture of CFL and sunlight since they sprouted 24/7.

I have been resting the water 24 hours before using it.

Another thing, I germinated the seeds on damp cotton wool buds, when I planted them into their current containers I put the whole cotton bud in with it, could this be effecting them?

Any and all help would be appreciated :wall:



Well-Known Member
the cotton may very well be causing it. those seedlings look pretty tiny for 13 days. it might also be your soil, I suggest transplanting asap into some organic soil, its not too late to save them.


New Member
idk look like overwatering or nuting yes these babies are way to young to nute they only need water lol. flush and give plants just water!

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
They are so small its hard to say whats up, but they look a little yellow and the tips are burnt. Usually thats over watering or over feeding. Or both! If its no name soil its hard to tell how much fertilizer they are getting from the soil, and what you added didnt help either. Right now they really dont need any nutrients. Not till 4-5 weeks old and very little to start. I would try using water only and letting your soil dry before you water? Maybe a flush with 3 times as much water as the size of the pot would help. If the pots were 1 gal you wold flush with 3 gals water. Good luck!
Thanks all, I will flush the pots for the moment and hope that helps over the next few days. I cannot afford new soil for a few days at least I'm afraid, hoping it can wait until a re-pot is due.


Active Member
i put my seeds into soil on oct 4th and had them in random soil from a houseplant with 4 17 watt flourescent tubes, the temp wus around 40-55 degrees F. i know, WAY to cold. they hav always had purple stems and the embriotic leafs started turning yellow about 10 days old.
<- this is about day 20
since then the leafs hav started getting yellow and one by one getting brown and withering an falling off. i recently put them ina grow box and now have 6 100 watt 6500k cfls and 3 100 watt 2700k cfls and hav been using epsom salt for about 5 days. have the temp at 75-80 F and are now in slow release nitrogen soil.

<- day 40
any body have advice on wuts up with the leafs and why there so undergrown??


hey man, looks like the soil your using is too strong i had the same problem on the last two attempts with average soil from like safeway n bunnings. i ended up gettin a seedling starter soil from bunnings and they grew beautifully after that. i take it your from aus. u can get a soil ph tester from bunnings for 13 buks. dont know how good they are but im using one atm. and i got a water ph tester for 9 buks from the hydro shop. couldnt find one at bunnings. after your seedlings get bout 2 seeks old youde wanna transp[lant into bigger pots i reccomend getting coco to gro in from the hydro shop otherwise just youse your potting mix mixed with the seedling soil if thats the way you wanna go. the blood n bone will b too much for them aswell your better off starting again as i went through this same problem just recently
dont chuk the cotton bud in next time but that shoudlnt be a great problem here.
im still noob but this is what iver learnt over the last month after my first attempts. my babies are goin ok now just trying to get the right metters tomeasure ph better and learn to control ph better. r u using 6500k cfls?
temps are hard to control inthis heat so get a fan blowing on them if cfls is all your using shouldnt have too much trouble.


did i say soil is the main problem...
also u can get a temp sensor indoor/outdoor one for 12 buks from bunnigns aswell one of the best things i bought.
Yea I'm from Oz :)

I have my g/f watching every dollar I spend, which is kinda bullshit because I'm growing it for her lol. Because of this fact I have started purchasing things when she is not around, Ph tester is next on the list, I think I may try and get some soilless mix tomorrow. I don't know what coco is but I will look into it.


where in aus are ya mate, coco is a fibre from coconuts i think. CANNA coco its called, bout 30 buks awesom stuff. will fill 3 large pots. AND! to start off get teh seedling raising soil from bunnings and start in small pots easier to contol watering etc. its 6 buks
Currently sitting in Melbourne :)

Will duck out today and pick up some of that seedling soil. I started germinating another batch of seeds last night just incase these ones don't perk up soon, two look near dead, the others are looking a little better but not growing much.

Even though I've stuffed up I'm still enjoying this :P