Newbie has questions


Hi everyone. Thanks for taking the time to look at my questions.

I just started my plant in flower a week ago. I am growing hydroponically. Using Fox Farm nutrients and following their feeding schedule. Growing one plant under t5 florescent lighting (4 2ft tubes). It is a short bushy plant which I assume is an indica.

I have lots of huge fan leaves covering some potential nice bud growths. I have tucked some to the side. I was wondering if I could remove some of the ones that cannot be tucked?

My grow cabinet isn't real tall. Almost 3 feet. I am worried that the buds will grow too large and hit the light. Can I use the LST method even further along into flower? I used it during veg.

At the bottom of my girl is lots of little stalks that are starting to flower. These are approximately 2 to 3 inches tall. Should I remove them so the top buds get better growth?

Thanks so much. I look forward to hearing some veteran advice.

professor greenfist

Active Member
Some people remove bottom buds this will promote air circulation And put more energy in feeding tops others might tie down so bottom starts to recieve light instead of removing ur sugar factorys or leaves u fan cut the fingers in half


Well-Known Member
at only a week you could still lst it. long as the stems are bendable. yeah tie that bitch down:P and i think you could prune out the little suckers at the base. they never amount to anything.


So the "fingers" as you call them are the ends of the fan leaves? Just trim them in half? Sounds easy enough. Thanks.