newbie grower with an odd plant

I just started growing about 2ish weeks ago and my oldest seedling that I have I noticed is growing kind of odd. It has one big leaf as you can see in the picture. the rest of my seedlings are healthy and look good but this one kinda looks funky. Not sure if I should just throw it out and start a new one or if this is normal any advice with be very helpful :blsmoke:

I also have that straw type stuff in it as you can see in the picture, I have no idea if its good for it or not I thought it might make it easier to transpot.

sorry if image isn't the greatest of quality was taken with a cell phone camera



Well-Known Member
Almost looks like twisted leaves..... color and all looks good, let it go and see if it rights it self.
Lol it could be a short bus plant, it is from bag seed. I guess I'll just grow it and see what will happen. Hopefully it doesn't uproot it's self and kill all the local plants like the mutants from the hills have eyes :lol:

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
If it's not genetics, the nutrient content in your soil could be a little high. What soil is that? And did you mix any other addative in before planting or straight premix? Hope you have plenty others going, cuz knock on wood, that could be a red headed step child! =)

One Love
It was straight premix with this one, I have a combination of premix and natural soil that I stole from my folks garden. But this one is miracle gro which I have heard bad things about using that type but its all there is for premix in this area. But the rest are just the natural local soil and are healthy and look great. I have another seedling in miracle gro and its doing fine although it had a rough start it had way too much nitrogen or something cause it had the yellow leaf syndrome but its good now green and healthy.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
It was straight premix with this one, I have a combination of premix and natural soil that I stole from my folks garden. But this one is miracle gro which I have heard bad things about using that type but its all there is for premix in this area. But the rest are just the natural local soil and are healthy and look great. I have another seedling in miracle gro and its doing fine although it had a rough start it had way too much nitrogen or something cause it had the yellow leaf syndrome but its good now green and healthy.
Ya it could be the soil, but if you didn't add anything extra I might actually bet on bad genetics. Regardless, you want to ditch the miracle grow idea. I will credit them for making an effort by offering Organic potting soils and Organic feeds (bone meal & blood meal) that I've actually had some good success with, but even then, you prob want to pay up for a better mix in the future.

I guess just keep all your seeds going and see what happens. I just know that about 6 months ago I had a blueberry come up all deformed like yours, and it turned out male. I didn't burn it or anything. Just bad genetics. I hope that's not the case with yours, but just letting you know what happened in my previous situation.
Do you know if home depot has any good premixes? The closest thing to a nursery around here is walmart which all they sell is miracle grow. But the natural stuff I got seems to be really good though, I was a bit concerned about it at first because of there was alot of pine needles from the tree above so I picked them out. Someone told me they have alot of acid in them. Its pretty much a concentration of manure and other crap. But I do have a bat house I'm putting up soon so maybe I'll have some guano to put into the mix.


Well-Known Member
I wondered if that could of been the problem but doesn't explain why the other plants are doing well...

other than its a mutant
at 2 weeks that plant should be WAY WAY bigger.. take my word.. lighting is your main problem.. go through my journals and see my grows at 2 weeks..


Active Member
i've actually had something like that happen, it actually took off a cpl weeks later and is actually prolly the healthiest out of my bunch atm. i am currently practicing growing with bag seed.
Thought I would give an update on my funky plant and learned that it came through. Its a female and is growing well now and looks pretty normal. I threw in a bunch of new cfls and they responded well to them. I think I got pretty lucky too as 3 out of my 4 plants were female. The lighting was a bit of an issue at first at the begining as seedling I had 2 walmart under cabinet growlights which I upgraded to a full florescent ballistic with generic wally world grow lights and 3 100watt daylight CFLs. I plan on adding more lights once I can get a new set up built for cfls, right now they are just clamp lights clamped onto buckets. Pretty ghetto but it works.