Newbie grower -THC/mould? + need seedling advice :S

Greetings fellow growers! I seek wisdom from the experienced... I am a newbie grower, I have built a room as professionally as I possibly could and have just planted my germinated seeds last night and had 2 sprouted already which are currently under 2x 60w fluorescents 24/7 and I have a few questions! First of all, I was doing some research on harvesting + drying out and during the curing stage I'm reading a lot about mould however, mould looks very similar to THC crystals judging by the images Google shows me so how do you tell the difference? :S


Also... I attached a pic. of the first plant to sprout, i'm not sure if I put my plant under the light too soon and if this will do any damage? :/


Well-Known Member
You will know if it starts to mould . I found some on few buds I had in a jar. forgot to open up and let it air out . But you shouldn't have no problems. Read the stickies good helpful info.


Well-Known Member
The link to the above image is a link to where it resides on your computer...not on the internet man...use the "insert image" button on the forum when making a post :)


Active Member
I actually think bud mold looks nothin like crystal... you need to do some more research possibly not on google images >.<


Well-Known Member
I actually think bud mold looks nothin like crystal... you need to do some more research possibly not on google images >.<
He might be talking about powdery mildew. That shit can blend into trichome structures, but it's still pretty easy to tell what's what.