Newbie grower needs an answer


Active Member
I have a few plants and from the beginning of their grow till now about 4 weeks old and 10 inches tall they all have 3 leaves Ive seen other peoples plants from the beginning and they all have 5 or more leaves is something wrong with my plants. I started with seeds from bag seed. Any input would be greatly appreciated


Well-Known Member
nothin wrong man, keep growin. you probably have seen peoples clones wich obviosly means the plant was older and had developed those leaves. dont worry yours will develope in time. peace


Active Member
You guys are great. Here comes a 2nd question at about 1o inches tall and 4-5 weeks of veg. is it too early to start flowering to determine sex or should i wait till they get 5 leaves


Well-Known Member
You might want to show us some pics it could be a streching problem. What kind of light are you using and how close is it?


Well-Known Member
thats your call dude. how ever much yeild depends on that. when in flower they'll grow 2 to 3 times as big as they were when you started flowerin.


Active Member
OK so here are afew pics form the camera phone. I have a fish tank light with a 20wt florencent grow bulb in it and a standard desk lamp with a 50wt grow bulb. Some of the lower leaves are tunring yellow on the tips but mostly they look real healthy



Well-Known Member
Those little bastards are streching for light. You might want to add a few more bulbs. And if you flower youre deffinatly going to need more light.


Well-Known Member
Not to burst ou bubble, but you need ALOT more lights, and second...NEVER grow more then 1 plant per pot. Replant all of them into seperate pots and get at least a 600W MH/HPS setup.


Well-Known Member
They Are Stressed Out! Thats Why You Have The 3 Leaves. If I Were You I'd Bring The Lights A Lot Closere, 2-3 Inches Above The Tops, Flush Them Out To Get Rid Of The Nutrient Lock They Might Have, And Let Them Get Bigger Before You Start Flowering Them. Just A Thought!


Active Member
Ok they have grown to about 1/2inch from the light. going out to get some pots to replant by themselves and get some more light. As for nutrient lock should i flush them? I apprecite all the insight being given. and wht should i do to remove strees form the enviroment.


Well-Known Member
get some deep pots, when you transplant burry them bitches so you got like 4-6 inches of plant showing. then you can kinda start over and they will get bushier. ive done that in a few outdoor grows when i didnt have the plants in a spot where they got great light, so they would stretch and then ide burry them a little more and eventually they'll do good. becuase those stalks you got are so skinny its a good choice man. try it


Well-Known Member
You need more lights. And please do what i said earlier...get rid of the 2 plants per pot....ONLY 1 PER POT...that is BAD juju.

To stop them from growing them, you'll get 2 or more main cola's. Take a look at my gallery to see what a topped plant looks like.


Well-Known Member
you cant top those yet. they only have like 3-4 nodes so far and they're so streched. i think you need to do the flourescant light like 2-3 inches from the tops. that way they wont have huge spaces in between the nodes. just my 2 cents.


Active Member
Ok so i have taken some advice and hoepfully i have moved in the right direction. I went out and bought a 4ft florescent light fixture. 2 Bulbs 1 aqua grow light and the other is a cool white light. I replanted all of them into their own pots , planted them a bit deeper so they are not as tall. Currently the light is about 2-3 inches form the tops. Does this look good? Anymore input would be great.



Well-Known Member
looking better man, lights look close enough. just make sure to keep them as close as possible. goodluck