newbie grower here...need feedback!!! first grow


growing with a 400 watt hps which is ruffly about 18in from plant i planted seed 14 days ago had my first visual11 days ago so im guessing dats when veg started 18/6.does it look healthy,is there signs of stretching?im growing with fox farm ocean forest.i got a bottle of liquid nutes(dark energy)should i wait longer before adding the nutes?i water every two and a half days with destilled water..its pretty hot in the tent 90degrees.saving up doh for air fan plus air filter which ill b ordering in the next 3 weeks...can u guys/girls give me valuable feedback positive/negative



I would say you are definetly stretching. If you stick your hand under your lamp, do you feel heat? and for how far? I usually go about an inch above from where the heat hits the back of my hand... Try and bring your light a bit closer if you can.

technical dan

Active Member
Yes it is stretching when you transplant bury it up to the lowest leaves and all that stem will eventually become root tissue. Wait on the nutes uncut ffof is rather hot so you plant could be good for up to a month in it. When you do start nutes start out with half of the dose that is says on the bottle. Water when the cup/ pot is light (learn to feel the difference between a dry pot and a watered one) rather than watering on a set schedule. 90 degrees F is rather hot get that fan as soon as you can, you could also look into a cool tube for more efficient/ effective cooling.


@squidr yeah I just moved the lamp to 12inches from plant @dietcoke thanks homie!!so am I doomed or can my plant recover since it has not been two weeks yet?


Well-Known Member
growing with a 400 watt hps which is ruffly about 18in from plant i planted seed 14 days ago had my first visual11 days ago so im guessing dats when veg started 18/6.does it look healthy,is there signs of stretching?im growing with fox farm ocean forest.i got a bottle of liquid nutes(dark energy)should i wait longer before adding the nutes?i water every two and a half days with destilled water..its pretty hot in the tent 90degrees.saving up doh for air fan plus air filter which ill b ordering in the next 3 weeks...can u guys/girls give me valuable feedback positive/negative
Wow, stretching, yes.

The other growers already nailed what I was going to say about the lighting. The nutes can probably come in soon too.