Newbie grow with mistakes, what should I do from here?


Well-Known Member
The day that I've been looking forward to for so long has finally come.:mrgreen: I have for the first time in my life smoked weed I personally grew, which alone makes me so happy I cant stop smiling and to top it off it is actually good, its a little harsh but I kinda quick dried a small bud I cut a few days ago its about the size of my pinky finger. the way I figure it after a proper dry and cure I'm sittin on some decent smoke :hump: heres a pic of what I smoked

So right after smokin a bowl of it I decided to cut down one of the 2 plants, I hear you get a different high the longer you let it bud (but before the thc starts to degrade) So heres a pic of the buds drying I only cut off the leaf's that didnt have any crystals, I'll trim them up better after they dry a little more




Well-Known Member
Way to go .. great job! that lil bud looks good, can't wait to see dry shots of that bud hanging and I soo can't wait to feel the feeling you're feeling, lol I dried some of my male flowers and smoked them, that alone felt pretty good, smoking something I grew, I can only imagine the feeling smoking the bud.

How soon do you plan on harvesting the rest?


Well-Known Member
Ok so I trimmed up the rest of the buds, here's a few pic's.

The buds on the left are the ones I'm going to cure and smoke, the trim in the middle and the smaller buds on the right will be used to make hash (I have never smoked, seen or even seen someone that sells it) so this should be cool.

Here's a close up

I weighted the buds on the left 43 grams and the smaller ones on the right 14 grams, which puts the plant at just under 2 oz's, I'm really not sure how much more they'll shrink as this is my first harvest, I live in the desert so their pretty dry already (any info will be helpful) but even if they lose half their weight that still puts the one plant at close to 1oz. I know the buds are small, and this isn't the best harvest but for my first time growing I think I did pretty good. I also still have the other plant, I think I'll cut down this weekend. This plant has fewer buds but their twice as big, here's a few pic's of it.

and a close up



Well-Known Member
for better coverage you can also stand one of the flouros in a corner of the closet. when you first posted even though the roots where intertwined some they were small enough to seperate them. At this point your going to need as much light in that closet as you can and hope they are all females.


Well-Known Member
for better coverage you can also stand one of the flouros in a corner of the closet. when you first posted even though the roots where intertwined some they were small enough to seperate them. At this point your going to need as much light in that closet as you can and hope they are all females.
While I appreciate you stopping by and thank you for the info, Dude I'm a few days from harvest of course their females

Dr High

Well-Known Member
ribbet those arnt dry are they?? 43 grams of buds looks like alot more dried. Nice Herb:) Peace


Well-Known Member
ribbet those arnt dry are they?? 43 grams of buds looks like alot more dried. Nice Herb:) Peace
No I really dont think that it'll end up being a final dry wieght, but like I said I live in the desert with low humidity so they're pretty dry. I really dont know how much they're going to shrink any info would be great


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info guys, what ever the final weight ends up being I'll still be happy, shit I'd be happy with a joint. the way I figure it the yield will work its self out once I get all my ducks in a row and actually learn more about growing. Thanks again


Active Member
This was one of the best threads I have read yet, great job on the grow. Those buds looked yummy. I have been doing some research on growing for about a month now, and I think I learned almost as much from reading this than in all the past pages read. I think I am going to start off with CFL and see where it takes me I was also thinking about Flouro's I need to price it out and see what is in my budget. Again brother great job, you just got my hopes up.


Well-Known Member
Nice job Ribbet, looks freakin great, very nice for your first, I feel the same as you, I'd be happy with a joint too, I'm right behind ya buddy, match you a bowl:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
well.....this was a very exciting and entertaining read. Ribbet....huge kudos to you and your excellent effort. a great result, and a great presentation of the grow. than kyou very much for the time and diligence you put into this and sharing that with all of us! all the best in your future grows!


Well-Known Member
I must say im very impressed with your grow tactics. Enjoy your budz:joint: And you also proved that CFL's do have a part in the growing world. G'Job:mrgreen:
