Newbie first time grow.


Looks a little over watered otherwise its a pretty girl

Is that that the curled leaves are a sign of? I'm giving her 300ML water once a week since flowering.

Ok.....first thing....why did you flush?
Second thing....unless it's out of the photo, you should have a fan blowing on your plant. It'll strengthen your plant's branches, and keep bugs from making your plant their home.
I flushed because I had yellow lines on a few leaves prior to flowering, it was definitely nutrient burn because they have disappeared after a week and turned into a deep green.

And I will get a fan on her, just have to locate one (poor college student).

What bugs would attack my plant in the shower? It's autumn here now and feels like winter, not too many insects floating around here. :p
If you can spend another like 20 bucks, go to home depot and get a single light socket, an extension and a screw in wall hook and plug the light socket into the cord and hang it from the ceiling above the plant. You can get a metal dome reflector that will fit on it too and a 250w warm cfl all for about 20-25 bucks. It will REALLY help a lot.


Well-Known Member
if thats all the lights you are going to use you have grown your plant too tall. you have a whole restroom to use that should already have a vent in there to exhaust air/heat, its a great place to grow but you need to take advantage of your good situation by getting some more light.


Week 5 of flowering.


Not too sure what's going on here...? A couple leaves up at the very top have also completely dried out and browned, and fell off.