NEWBIE final yield first grow (pics)


Well-Known Member
Mysticclown i would say that being an Atheist is appreciating the total wonder of nature, from the transformation of a tadpole in to a frog to the wondrous complicated colours of the peacock. Not having or believing in a deity or designer or creator doesnt make my life any less fulfilling. In fact i would say it makes me happier and i live my life with no fear that i may go to hell or something similar.
In terms of motivation i can tell you now you will not meet a more motivated person than myself.

I belive that the universe is a consenteener universe, ie that it has no start no end. It's only the way our brains are wired that everything *must* have a start and a finish. The universe has always been there and will always be there despite humans own fears and beliefs.

You have to look at it logically, there is absolutely NO substantial evidence at all that the universe was 'designed' or created by a single thing or individual.

Atheism is not a cold belief in nothing, it is an appreciation of science and nature. It is wondrous and fulfilling.


Well-Known Member
Wooooh, take a chill pill Talisman, no one's looking for an argument here (actually most of you have ignored my bloody brilliant first grow :))))

in response to what you said :

Well I hate that notion that the earth is so young like the christians sometimes say. But, the God of us all, yes the God of Abraham, did not make it so simple. If you are so arrogant as to believe you have it all figured out ((It didnt say i had it figured out my friend))

then explain to me how if no God exists that one, that is ONE,1, won, out of millions and millions! of creatures, animals, that is anything living that is not a plant for you stoned out athiests, ONE out of all those is self aware??? That is one, humans, that know they are alive. ((well that is true to an extent but i have to say theer many many intelligent animals around, although we are of course the most intelliengent, and we haven't yet got around to asking all the animals if they know they are alive))

Not that they know how to mate and go here and there and can be taught but that they know they have a beginning and and ending. Not one out of so many but man. Hmmm. Well you have it all figured out so without just saying like dude it is just random, try and give a logical answer. ((I think you will find that i ahev given the most logical answer - religeon is not logical))

Also when so many many many peoples have lived on this planet why do all of them even the totally isolated ones have the same innate feeling of a higher power. ((not all of us my friend)0

All men forever have had gods, gods, not God. Also why do all people have a flood story in their past. That is every culture that ever left any evidence of their exixtence and they all have the flood story. ((well Im not so sure that EVERY culture has a flood storey. Storey of course being the point here - there are floods everywhere all the bloody time, sometimes really bad ones))

And then try to explain how big the universe is. I know you can since you know it all. ((you got me wrong pal))

Oh and bye the way what the f is a ghost? do you believe in them? and if so does that not suggest life after death? and if so what the f is life after death... Food for thought. ((do i beleive in ghosts? Well Im not entirely sure, but if there are ghosts that isn't any proof whatsoever that there is a God or creator))

Smoke a huge green bud then think about it. I await your educated words of wisdom...... bongsmilie
((smoking my newly grown bud right now my friend, wjhat do you think of my grow??)


Well-Known Member
f*ck man i love this debate, yeh yeh yeh my grow was good for first timer (i hear you all saying :) ) but let's keep the religeon debate going a little longer.

Look Im not saying religeon is shit or bad or that you are stupid if you believe it, but if you are a beleiver - just for a moment, a millisecond, look at the overwhelming evidence. I tell you why i think science is so amazing, because theories are tested, questioned, tested again and then if found out to be inaccurate tested again and re-thought out. Im not saying that DARWIN is totally right on everything and imk not saying that Eieinstein was right or newton or any other of the great thinkers of our time, but the evidence points to that fact that they WERE right. Gravity is not a theory of something - it is a fact - anyone who doesnt believe it is askeed to jump out of a fourth floor window. Science explains how things work and it is always backed up with evidence. Religoen on the other hand is based on possible events that might have taken place along time ago backed up with no evidence and no way of testing the theory. Bloody hell we dont even know the authors of these religeous texts/books. Did Jesus really exist? Sure i think he did, but i dont think he was the son of god. He was probably a religeous leader of some sorts.


Well-Known Member
ok heres is one for you...

if there is ONE creator.. ONLY one creator... blah blah blah they WHY are there so many religions?? WHY cant the people who believe in this creator even agree on the rules he wants you to follow, let alone what he looks like, what he teaches, his origins, and some even chalk the whole thing up to more than 1 god?? WHY can millions and millions and millions of scientists all agree on individual principles, such as evolution, while millions and millions and millions of religious followers cant even agree on what they are trying to believe in... just seems if religions cant even get the story of the creator or the facts about him right and settle on 1 concrete story, then the arguement for religion itself is pretty weak... again i believe there is something more... that life isnt the end.. and we arent the end all be all... but i dont believe that 1 super powerful all knowing all supreme being had nothing better to do than to create an entire universe... let alone spend the time creating all known and unknown spieces of human or extraterestrial life.. i would think if he was going to spend time creating anything it would have been a companion for him/herself... i believe in the big bang... yes they are trying to smash atoms to recreate it... i believe we have evolved from survival over millions of years.. because if we WERE created in the image of a creator, its a piss poor image and he failed... with all the killing, rape, torcher, children starving, diseases, ect you would think he would interject... clean things up a little.. i know if i had the power i would.. i would want a perfect eutopia... and as for the argument of "he gives you the will to choose"... i dont buy it.. if he was going to take all the time to create life... to make it so everything is dependant on everything else so life balances... why would he give it the ability to self destruct?? why would he allow wars in his name?? killing on his behalf?? i mean he is aware of it.. he has to be.. if thats the case thats not someone i would want to worship or follow... give me a peaceful soceity.. where everyone gets along.. no diseases... the only deaths are natural.. a true eutopia.. then ill worship.. but i cant see how with the obvious failures the "creator" made with us, and the mountain of scientific evidence there is to back up evolution, religion is still even followed... a thousand years ago when they didnt know any better is one thing.. but its just crazy to still think its taught and followed so strongly... again having hope and faith and having something to believe in and look forward too are great.. i again truly hope and believe that what we know as life is not the end... but religion is just to unbelievable to be.. well.. believeable..


Active Member
Lemme get this straight... You think this whole shit we called a universe started by itself? Like just sporadically out of nowhere an entire universe was created JUST by itself? Not believing In a story called the bibal is one thing but not believing in a creator is another and kind of sad. I think people who are atheist don't get far in life because of no motivation. Sad it is.
haha someone is closeminded


Lemme get this straight... You think this whole shit we called a universe started by itself? Like just sporadically out of nowhere an entire universe was created JUST by itself? Not believing In a story called the bibal is one thing but not believing in a creator is another and kind of sad. I think people who are atheist don't get far in life because of no motivation. Sad it is.
is it? and this creator, was he created? or did he just come from no were? well ask yourself the same question and give yourself the same opinions. SAD IT IS


Well-Known Member
[QUOTE="SmokinForever";2738271]Um... Nice grow dude i don't care bout this other shit. It looks like some chronic!!![/QUOTE]

Son i am disappoint, i came in here expecting to see how much u got (ounces) and got a religion debate