Newbie Bagseed under 400w HPS


Active Member
hey guys I've been lurking on this forum for a while (since overgrow got shutdown). But have not been growing. I did 2 CFL grows in a customized cab a few years ago with limited results. I got about 1.5oz each time between 2 plants and the smoke was ok. So recently I have decided to get back into it and try again. So I have gone through teh motions before (about 3yrs ago) but really dont "know" what im doing.

Here is my setup:
400w HPS (5x26w CFL first 15 days)
Happy Frog soil in 2gallon growbags (though i started with miracle grow in plastic cups)
Fox Farm Grow Big
Fow Farm Tiger Bloom
8 Bagseeds
PH strips
Marijuana Horticulture indoor/outdoor Medical Grower's Bible

They began sprouting 11/01/08 in plastic cups w/ Miracle Grow. They remained there until about the 11/11/08 when I transplanted them to 2 gallon growbags filled with Happy Frog soil. They were under 5x26w CFL for the first 2 weeks until I got a 400w HPS. Up until now I have only watered them with distilled water I get by the gallon at Walmart(which I think will get expensive over time and need to find a better solution) w/o any nutes added for fear of nute burn since the orginal soil was MG w/ nutes in it. I think I am gonna give them Grow Big on there next feeding. the only real problem (besides that the strongest one showed male yesterday and was killed) is that some of them are starting to develop small yellow spots on some of their leaves. The stems on those leaves are also becoming red/purple like. Well here are the pics so far (with a close up of teh spots.)



Active Member
Ok they are on day 26 of vegging. Not looking to pretty. I think I may have burned a few..not sure. One teh good side i have 3 confirmed females, 4 unknown. I gave them Grow Big half strength as the first nutes i have given them a few days ago. Any advice would be appreciated.

