Newbie 2010 Outdoor Prep. Help


Once i go to fill up my 5 gallon bucket with soil is there anything else that i need to put into the bucket?bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Check out a search on here for Super soil. Theres a few recipes around but just soil may or may not help you produce the best plant you can. Hope this helps


Active Member
I'm going with meat moss and nutrients...
Step 1. buy 3.8 cut ft peat moss at Lowes for $9.48
Step 2. Buy perlite, and other addatives
Step 3. Mix well put inside pot/hole/w.e
Step 4. Buy heavy harvast spring...

Okay first the peat moss is a soiliest compost that retains water well and is great for gurilla grows. ..
Heavy harvast is a time release mixture that will not over feed(burn ur plant.)

Hope that helps u out...

+Rep if its worth it...

chronic coinoisseur

Active Member
Wonder where you got them ideas dutch lol. Yo make sure you get vermiculite too. Perlite makes the soil extremely airy and light and vermiculite has the same concept but it works a lot better for water retention. Yea vics super soil is the shit but its a pain in the ass to make. Dolomite lime is good, epsom salt is good. If you can find it mycorrhizae fungi is a great addition to any soil, it kinda syncs up with the roots and makes it a lot easier for them to absorb nutrients. But basically anything in vics super soil is gonna be good. Theres something else called azomite which ive heard of but never tried. Mix in molasses when you water/feed your plants.

Oh and make sure you get plenty of that meatmoss its Dutch's favorite.


Well-Known Member
No one said growing was that easy especially if its good at the end ot the day. A little hard work will pay off for sure cant' wait to put my gurls in the ground