Newbie 1st LED Hydro grow with pictures


Active Member
Hey All...Here are the new pics of the girls. I took two pots out due to lack of growth and anticipate taking two more out in the next few days if I dont see any changes in the other two. I would appreciate any advice.

I noticed that the leaves are dark green, maybe too dark. and a few plants are drooping a bit. Other than that I cant complain too much with all the troubles I have had. And the WW and Northern are among the healthiest. I want to drain out the res in the next few days but am afraid to touch anything now that I am seeing growth every day. What do you guys think?



Well-Known Member
they will grow faster with a hps. i have both leds work better for beginners. ur plants are small. i havnt seen any pics of the roots? they will grow. if u cant slow the drip down turn it off every other day. the plants wont dry out ur using a led. gotta get roots to soak up that nut.


Active Member
Soak up that nut? Dunno what that means. Also an HPS is not an option for me. Want to use as little electricity as possible.


Well-Known Member
u gotta get the roots going. and over watering is killing the roots. to little water and not enough fertilizer is better then to much.. the damage and stress from those to can make them hermy.


Well-Known Member
adding a few cfl is also a good idea get some 6500k to get them growing. only need one or two. then switch to 4200k or less


Active Member
I am only growing with LED's... I appreciate the advice on other lighting units but again...It is not an option for me.


Active Member
Hey all my friends!

My girls are doin well. Thanks again for all the help. I am doin ok and just got married. I am going to take some pictures tomorrow so stay tuned. The only problem is is that I really don't have enough room in the cabinet for all 14 plants. I have already gotten rid of 3 plants and will probably have to take 2 more out. So anyone thinking of getting this unit should keep that in mind. Other than that they are looking pretty good. I think I may go 12/12 next week. When you see the pics let me know if you agree.


Well-Known Member
Ok here are the pictures I promised. Please let me know if you think I should start 12/12 cycle?

Hells Yea!! Those Girls (Hopefully) are lookin good!!, How tall are they? Make sure you have enough room for them to at least double in size, if not more. I was LSTin my soil plants and did not expect the height of the hydro plant at all. . i had to add some extra lights since i had to raise my hps so high.

Later. . .


Active Member
Ok here are the pictures I promised. Please let me know if you think I should start 12/12 cycle?

Hopefully you have started flowering by now.. Oreo11 is right, they could double in height depending on the strain. When I was running LED only, I had a plant go from 11" to 22" but it was a stretchy sativa. In my new grow I added CFL lighting as a supplement and they haven't grown as tall. Check it out in my sig!

Best of luck! Keep it up!