Newbi, Flowering help pls


I am a first time grower and I need some help wondering when I can start flowering? My plants are 5 weeks old, I do not have a huge areas for growing so I am not looking for them to be huge but large enough. My plants have those little green pre-flowers started on them a couple days ago on the stems so am I suppose to start flowering yet? if not when should I start? I tried to get a close up pic of the plant but my camera isn't great pics were to blurry. Any advice would be great thanks! :lol:003.jpg005.jpg008.jpg


Active Member
Figure the plant will roughly double in size during flowering, so base your vegged plant size on that.
A few observations. Is that tin foil? If yes, get it gone. Tin foil has a tendency to creat hot spot and is t really effective at reflecting light. Use Mylar , panda film, heck, e en flat white paint. Your soil appears to be more like dirt. Doesnt seem to healthy. I see. I perlite to help with air airattion and drainage.
Try to give us more info. Strain, lighting (type and wattage), soil type, what nutrients ate you using, room temps and humidity levels too. All this info will help all of the folks here to help you.


Yes it is tin foil, I had seen alot of people do that with it so I thought it was good. I am aware my soil is shit, first time growing and I didn't know what to use to I got dirt from outside mixed it with my tomato plant dirt (next time I buy dirt). They were looking alot worse before but now that I got the tomato dirt in there they have been starting to look better. Defiantly my first mistake was that! Don't know the strain got the seeds from my sister who had a clone plant that seeded (does that mean they will all be female for sure or no?) Room temperature is about 90 F I know it's suppose to be cooler but I have a fan going and it doesn't seem to get any cooler then that in there even though it feels cool (shrug). I am using Schults 10-15-10 nutes. They are full spectrum fluorescent bulbs I think they are 60 watts each. They each have their own light, I have 3 plants. As well as one of those long kitchen lights for under the counters fluorescent lights is in there too (just had it laying around so through it in too). I have a bowl of water close by the fan for humidity but how do I check what the humidity level is? Also I don't really know how to perlite? or what it is for that matter. Thanks.


Active Member
No joy on the "all female seeds". That's just a standard pollination (sounds like) so the odds are 50/50 per seed on female to male ratio. To make a true fem seed, it's even more than a hermied female to female pollination. That's a whole other topic, so let's try to stay on course.
Replace tin foil with before mentioned items. For Mylar you can just get a couple of the emergency blankets in a camping section of any store.
Soil. You can even repot it before (or soon after, like real soon after) switching to flower stage.
Perlite is an additive that you can find in garden stores. You want to mix it in the soil ratios are a dime a dozen, but I like to do 2/1 soil perlite.
Get those temps down!! 90 is even high for a pro grower using supplemental co2 in there room. Even getting to 85(still high) would be way better than your 90.
Get a temp gauge with a hygrometer built into it. Or just a hygrometer (home improvement stores have them dirt cheap).


Hello Sugartwist,

90 degrees is way too high. Get something similar to this CLICK HERE so you know what your temps actually are.

Most hang their thermostat at plant height to gain an accurate reading. That is really high temp for fluorescents. Preparation of the grow room... lighting, temps, humidity are your first priority. Get the temps under control first. Forget the humidity unless it is at an extreme : below 20 percent, or above 80 percent. 50 percent is ideal, but within this range you will be fine. A fan can only move the surrounding air. So if your surrounding air is hot a fan will not cool it down, just push it around. You need to vent the heat out, or get the room temps down with AC.

Perlite is a soil additive INFO HERE Mix it with your soil to improve water drainage. You want your soil to hold water, but to drain well also. You dont want heavy, thick, compacted soil as this will smother the roots from oxygen.

I recommend spending 15.00 and buy some soil. Fox Farms Happy Frog is giving me wonderful results. Fox Farms Ocean Forrest is very popular too, although many mix with Fox Farms light Warrior at a 2:1 ratio as some say its really hot( a lot of nutrients) and will burn the plants. These soils are organic and contain perlite along with a myriad of other wonderful stuff your plants will love.

As far as nutrients I would recommend something simple that has been proven effective. Check this out THE LUCAS METHOD You may want to try Maxi-Bloom... 2lbs $20.00. simple, cheap and effective. I am currently using General Organics Go line nutes. Very simple, and effective, but a little more expensive $35.00 for the GO Box which contains the complete line. Here is Happy Frog soil with General Organics go line nutes at 4 weeks flower. I only grow 1-2 plants at a time for personal use so I am aiming for high quality. Cant wait to taste this