Newbi 20 day old bags seeds 400 watter


Well-Known Member
It looks like a hermie to me...I have heard the same thing pollinate a female with the pollen from a hermie will make feminized seeds.(have never tried it myself) If I was going to try it, I would take the hermie out of the room as soon as I saw any sign that a pollen sack had opened(to try and reduce the number of seeds, hopefully keeping most of the bud potent)

Sorry for the late post man, haven't been on much, harvested my plant, 2 oz of trim/small buds and just over an ounce of bud. I quick dryed the trim and small buds,(not too bad mostly green and could taste the chlorypyll a little), waiting for the ounce to cure.(getting a nice purple color to the buds)


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't recommend topping during flower, you will lose a lot of bud...In the early stage of flower before its done with its growth spurt, it would probably be ok, but the intent when topping is to get 2 or more colas. Much better results if you give the tops time to grow out before flowering. After the first couple weeks of flowering almost all vegetative growth is done and topping at this point will result in something that looks more like 1 cola with 2 points instead of 1.(will also be shorter than your cola would have been as it is with all topping)


Active Member
loooks like your going to have to start bending her down man...
and if you got the room..i think u should try and get some femized seeds...then i can just order threw you.haha


Well-Known Member
loooks like your going to have to start bending her down man...
and if you got the room..i think u should try and get some femized seeds...then i can just order threw you.haha

so about my height problem about how long after flowering do plants stop growing tall? cuase im pretty sure if they keep growing they'll out grow my tent in a week or so im gonna try to bend them and look into pinching.


Well-Known Member
nice plants roland we r about the same age in flowering let me know about ur set up or post me ur thread


Well-Known Member
so i might have a hermie i took clones from the plant before the male parts grow will my clone turn out to be hermie. IM guessing my plant went hermie cuase of light stress light might be leaking in the tent if so im working on fixing that.
im gonna grow the clones hermie or not 1st time cloneing so i wanna see if water/superthive works.
My clones r about 1.5 week old they r droopy and yellowing not to bad but its not gettin better they r in a cup of water/superthive the part of the stem thats under water has white stuff growing out of it guessing its roots and the stem is fatter then the rest. Does this sound like its rdy to go into soil? and it takes 2 months to flower a plant? when does the smell start?


Well-Known Member
nice Fc 1 oz dry weight? gonna read ur post agin but anyway u gonna make harsh? how long did it flower till the end?
this was ur 1st grow rite? let us know the smoke report im guessing u already started ur next grow already.


Well-Known Member
how long in flowering do males release their pollen? im 2 week+ some days so about how long do i have?


Well-Known Member
if i were you i would wait about a month then go into flowering.. i would also consider topping them.. you will get twice the yield!

this is only on some can just say if you top the plant it will have more yield..some plants are to have a limit on how much they may just take bud and split it up on the two cola's instead of putting it all on one.


Active Member
B4 u get "rid" of the male .. Read fdd2blk's tutorial on seed production .. it will answer many questions


Well-Known Member
So i use fox farm nutes and my 3 biggest plants r now 3 weeks in flowering and the other 2 r 1.5 weeks in.
i have a few questions about feeding.Do u keep feeding grow big till the end ?i started grow big about 5-6 weeks ago and started big bloom once they hit the flowering room now i switch to grow big and tiger bloom for the 3 big ones and grow big and big bloom for the small ones. the bottles says feed every watering i havent done that.i feed every other watering.
should i start feeding every watering?
should i feed my 3 big plants tiger bloom & big bloom? or just tiger blooom
when should u go heavy feeding?


Well-Known Member
I don't think you need the grow big anymore, you can use both tiger bloom and big bloom, just make sure you don't over fertilize. I think you can continually increase the dosage with each feeding.(someone with a little more experience should be able to tell you how much is safe to increase). Most people I have talked to say to feed every other watering or water,water,nutrients,water,water,nutrients etc...I still use molasses in my water when I am not using nutrients. I've been told it will help the plant absorb the nutrients leftover in the soil(less nutrient lock up). From what I have read it also increases resin production and swelling of buds.(you can buy molasses based nutrients at most hydro stores...or just get some unsulphured or black strap molasses)


Well-Known Member
duuude, if its a hermie,

i heard u can get a siccors, and chop them balls off!

voila - its a girl! :D id try that if i were u :P

in any case; no pollen sacs = no pollen = your females are safe ;)


Well-Known Member
ya its a hermie i puck like 8 balls yesterday. today i check and no balls. i have unsulphured molass when do i start giveing my plants molass? and i was thinking the same thing Fc about the grow big im just gonna use BB & TB. the back of the bottle says use for every watering 1 tsp per gallon i been doing every other watering.So sooner or later in the grow ill have to raise the dose?


Well-Known Member
sup all sorry the update is late had a long weekend i started Lst on 1 of my plants which is already out grown my tent still need to do some reading on LST. I still have the hermie in the tent after pucking all the balls i havent seen them come back so far so good thx for tips:hug:
Im haveing a few problems with my smaller plants in flowering that r a week behind my others. I been pucking yellow/dead leafs off them 1 of them looks realy bad all its lower leafs either fell off or i puck them it think its either not enough nutes or root bound i took them out the pot to check and saw nothing but roots in the bottom and sides. was hopeing i could keep them in their pot till the end but it may be time to transplant

I took some pictures about 2-3 days ago for this update but under my hps the pictures suck so i had to move the plants to better lights to take some better pictures well here they are
let me know what yall think



Well-Known Member
any input? i hopeing to get aleast a oz per plant what u guys think is it doable? ill have picture of the clones tonight
let me know what yall think


Well-Known Member
........ so today i check my plants and notice a web on top of my tallest plant the web was only about a inch long very top of the plant spider mites? hope not! can u see spider mites with the naked eye? i check all my plants leafs didnt see nothing.
Do spider mites live in the bud itself or bottom leafs?

And whens the best time to add molass? im guessing my plants have 4-5 weeks left they'll be 4 week flowering tomorrow
what yall think? any help is needed thank you for watching