NewBee Grower PLZ Comment Or Help If Needed!

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Dont cup or dome on it. Or add humidity. stop watering.
Dont feed it anymore neither.

I Been Looking Up To Try And Find Out Whats Wrong. 1st Thought It Was Copper But My New Leafs Arnt Permanetly Wilting Also I Thought It Could Be Phosphorus But The Phosphorus Said Nothing About The Upward Curling.
Its good that you look into deficiency problems;however all those problems can occur later in the cycle.

Remember the soil you purchased is all ready enriched with nutrients.

You should not see any deficiencies.

attached below are about a week or so. I watered when I droped the seed in regular MG soil.

I havent fed or watered then yet.

Just turn the lights on and check on it next week.
Just maintain a good light to plant proximity.



Active Member
Well, looks like your off to a start there. I grew this winter indoors and it was my first grow. I learned alot through trial and error but first I studied the marijuana bible. It has been a lifesaver and a bud saver. I harvested my first plant sunday last, and got approx. 1 1/2 oz. Hard to know because they r still in curing stage so I am really just eyeballing it. I am enclose some picts. just to give you an idea of what were looking at. If you would like some help I wouldn't mind sharing info. Temp and humidity are really important. If you aren't tracking it get a cheap themo at lowes. I spent about twelve dollars. Whats your budget for this? What is your goal here?:weed:



Active Member
Thanx For All Your Advice. I Havent Fed Them Anything Since The Problems Started So My Lil Plant Is Coming Back To Life I Have Also Switched Back To 18/6 Light And Everything Has Gotten Better, Attached Is A New Pix Still Looks Kinda Crappy But The New Leafs Lookin Better. Wat Should I Do With The Old Leafs? Leave Them Or Take Them Off? Sicc Plants To Both Off You By The Way.
My Objective Is Just To Experience The 1st Grow And Learn Form Mistakes Or Good Experiences. But I Know I Have A Long Way To Go But Im Koo With That bongsmilie



Well-Known Member
eh statix thats exactly how your first grow should be, alot of mistakes, but don't worry it always gets beter and better....

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Good job man on switching you light schedule. Dont worry about the burnt leaves. Just leave them be. Your new growth looks good.


Active Member
wats good? i finally made it back. well my lil project still going strong will try n post pix soon for sme feed back.


Active Member
Whats Good? :shock:Well Here Are Two Recent Pixs Taken Today. As You Can See Its Better Than B4. How Ever Im Starting To See Tiny Little Holes On 2 Of My Leaves. And My Lower Leaves Keep Drying N Falling Off. Check It Out N Let Me Know Wat You Guys Think. Many Thanx.:weed:


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Whats Good? :shock:Well Here Are Two Recent Pixs Taken Today. As You Can See Its Better Than B4. How Ever Im Starting To See Tiny Little Holes On 2 Of My Leaves. And My Lower Leaves Keep Drying N Falling Off. Check It Out N Let Me Know Wat You Guys Think. Many Thanx.:weed:
Looks a lot better. I think it got over the little nute burn.
dont worry about the bottom leaves dropping off. that was prolly from the stress it went through. Shouldnt be a biggie unless big fan leaves are dying on you. On the "holes" can you take a snap shot. maybe someone can help you better cause it could be a couple of things.
could be mites or necrosis or genetics? cant help you on that one sorry.


Active Member
Hey RIUP Its Been Hella Long Since I Been On Here But Heres A Pic Of My Plant Shes Still Going Strong But I Think Shes Takin A Lil Long But Its All Me Shes Gone Thru Alot Off Stress Shes My 1st Plant.:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Lookin good bro, I harvested one last night and got 324 grams wet.

Eh how old is that pup in you avatar and is it pure rednose???

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
well Statix, Nows the time to get serious. Have you switched the timer over to 12/12 or are you still vegging? I hope you have another place to flower in. That plant can grow 3x times that size while budding. You may try to keep flowering in there, you'll probably have start tying that plant down.
And you know whats next: MORE LIGHTS.
Im not trying to be sarcastic. Dude you bud that plant with 2 cfls and your looking at about a blunts worth of pot in the end.

Turn your Timer on 12/12
Add at least 6 more Cfls or get less higher wattage bulbs since you lack space ie. 150w cfl
Tie that bitch down.

Its Going to take another 2 weeks to determine sex after you switch the timer over.
Hope she has hairs.
Glad your plant made it so far.
Good Luck