Newb to Hydropnics, continual harvest, Pics


Well-Known Member
FUCK, I just spent 20 bucks on a HPS bulb from lowes and my shitty ass balast won't take it. The circle thing (don't know which is anode and which is cathode) is too big to fit in its own little spot. I hope my yeilds are stil good. on another note, pics are ontheir way. The clones are doing really well.


Well-Known Member
the clones aren't doing so well right now. The leaves are really thin but I think that thats normal. One of the leaves looks like some one left an imprent of their molers on the sides of it, some leaves look really wavy and bumpy, the stems are turning purple like on my mothers, a light fell on on e of them for a second while I was adjusting it (its damaged but going to be ok) and one of them is way bigger than the others. All this since I changed to full strenghth veggitative growth, I figured it would be ok, they aren't seedlings (clone-lings) anymore. On a lighter note my mothers are flowering godd now, there's little white hairs on all the little bud sites. It's weird, one of my mothers seems completely bug resistant while the other is covered in them (they still don't seem to be doing a lot of harm). pics are coming very soon, just took them.


Well-Known Member
i would suggest buying some kind of micro nutrient suppliment. one downside to growing in hydro is that you can have problems that you dont see much in soil(like mag, zinc, iron ect) and some veg suppliments dont have exactly what you need. i had the same problem my last hydro experiment. the leaves were all bumpy and wilty but seemed super green and healthy despite that.


Well-Known Member

Micronutrients are often the forgotten part of crop feeding, and yet they are just as important to crop health as macronutrients. Micronutrient deficiencies can interfere with your crop’s ability to uptake macronutrients and can lead to a variety of diseases that slow growth, reduce yield, and even destroy your entire crop. Our micronutrients are derived from superior sources and are properly chelated and combined so you get calcium, zinc, copper, manganese, boron, iron and molybdenum in ratios and chemical forms that are most useful for your crops. This superb micronutrients mixture will support crop metabolism, cellular energy, immune system strength, and production in ways that are subtle but essential. Micro and our other three-part products can be used in all types of crop situations, including outdoors, in greenhouses, and indoors under high intensity lights using hydroponics, aeroponic, NFT, ebb & flow, wick, drip irrigation systems, rock wool, soil, lavarock, and sphagnum moss.


Well-Known Member
I think that I diagnosed the bug problem, it's spidermites, I didn't think that they were because I only discovered the little webs. I feel retarded, I've had s[idermites before but it was very different form this. Before the plants weren't stressed at all and the webs were all over the place. Something thats worth mentioning is the slightly larger plant mother seems completely imune to bugs. I'll probably changes the nutes back to 2,2,2 pn monday.


Well-Known Member
The discoloration of the clone leaves hasn't slowed growth much think. I'm getting a little worried that I have root rot, what color should the roots be, because they are not pure white like they once were.


Well-Known Member
Today was a kind of big day for my babies. I transplanted the larger mother into a much bigger pot, I should have taken a picture of how root-bound that thing was, half the side of the soil was white. It was so root-bound that I could tell it was under preasure and really condensed because of all the roots when I was trying to loosen them up. I also stopped by the local nurseury to get some insecticide for my spider-mites, asta la vista bee-otch. Have haven't used any of it yet though. I really hope it works.


Well-Known Member
YEAH 100 posts. I got my space heater the other day, the temps are about 10 degrees warmer than outside, (70-80 inside) can someone please describe the symptons of root rot for me? The roots fell feel really healthy and look healthy in shape but have taken on a kind of purpleish brown color. There hasn't been any damage to the plants that I'm aware of connected to the root color. I think and hope that this is because the temperatures used to be pretty low in there at night, probably around 50 f. But anyway, that bug killer reeks, it smells like someone mixed rubbing alchalhol and some sort of excrement. The clones are still growing really fast though which is good and the budding moms are smelling sooooo gooooood. I remember last time the final smell almost smelt like clay.


Well-Known Member
FUCK, I've been having some electrical problems lately but nothing major, I've just checked on my grow a few times now and the power has been off, it's because the outlet in the lightbulb socket everything is plugged into (with a circuit breaker) keeps twisting. There's hasn't been any damage though. I changed the water today in the bubbleponics system today, the old water looked kind of nasty, is that ok? I'm a little nervous about what my yield will be because it's been flowering for about 4 weeks now and the biggest cola that there is is only about a gram maybe. Sometime before November I think I'll take clones and start flowering the clones I think. Thats really the only good news. I'm still nervous that I have root rot and I don't think that the hydrogen peroxide I have will work because its only 3%.



Active Member
Water Temps.

In hydroponics it is important to keep the water at a steady temperature. Especially in Deep Water Culture (DWC or Bubble Ponics).

As water becomes warmer it loses its ability to hold dissolved oxygen. A lack of oxygen slows growth and encourages “Bad” micro organisms to grow, the end result is a mass of slimy brown roots.

I have found that ideal water temps are between 16c to 19c (61F – 66F )

It is also important in the winter months to keep the water temps above 15c (59F) as low water temps can shock the roots and stunt growth.

Keep your Rez Cool

Here are a few ways to keep those temps down.

Most effective is a Water Cooler. These cost $$$ but will do the best job.

Ice Packs, You can place ICE packs in the Rez every day, this works okay.

Air movement. Placing a Fan to blow air across the top of the water can cool it by as much as 10C ß I have never tried this method but have been told it works.
Can't just dive in man. Read up!

Good luck, hopefully you can turn this around and wont have to start over.


Well-Known Member
that's good to hear actually, it will be a lot easer for me to but a heatpad under the bucket then try to lower the temperature with icer. It is also good to know that I won't bet root rot in cold temperatures. The water is probably about 60 degrees, maybe warmer. I think that the roots are a little brown because of light tanning or something, are they even supposed to be ultra pure white? I already keep the res off the ground and I think that I'll get a heat pad and put on a blanket or something under the res. I switched the table and mothers today so that they are right under the lamp. I'm not that worried about burning because the worst that could happen is a days worth and I wrapped the thermomter in some black paper and put it 4" above the plants top and the thermometer read only 85, I'm think that that will be even lower for a green leaf. The rooms temp. stays between 65 and 75 degrees so I thind that I'm good there. AND I DID READ A LOT ABOT THIS!!! it's just hard to find some information win you have poor researching skills.


Well-Known Member
I completely fixed the energy crisis, the outlet everything was plugged in to was really old ad had fallen apart in the socket (everything is plugged in to a light socket with an adapter to make it a wall outlet) and I bought a new one. The colas are starting to come together which is kind of worrying because I thought that they would be a lot bigger by now. I'm starting to think that it was a big mistake to try and transplant during flowering. I think that the plants are direction way to much energy to root growth. How big should the colas be at a month? The plant is mostly sativa but not pure.


Well-Known Member
I had another power problem today. I checked the watts on the heater and it said 1500. fuck, I don't know, I I'll just have to wait and see if my plants freeze. fuck. :-(


Well-Known Member
Pics are coming soon I hope. It's 50 degrees in there right now. The heater just usese to many watts even when the 400 mh is off. I've thought about bringing in one of my camping propane burners but I'm just too afraid of starting a fire, getting caught and having nowhere to live because I know my insurance won't cover marijuana operation failures. Does anyone have any expierence with a propane burner? would the extra CO2 really help? Are there any measures I can take to eliminate the risk of fire?