NEWB question...When is it too late to re-pot my girls?


Active Member
Have a couple AK-48 girls that are just 11 days into flower now. I was planning to put them into larger pots (going up to 3 gallon from about 1gal), but think I remember reading that stress from repotting could hermie them. Is it too late to gently switch them to a larger pot now that they've started flowering? I wanted to sex them so I didn't waste effort and soil on males. What do you think, can I get away with it now?:peace:


Well-Known Member
Sure, i do it halfway through at times if i feel i need to. Be careful and they shouldnt notice a thing, at worst maybe a day or 2 of shock where they dont do much, but mine dont. Transplanting isnt as scary as people make it out to be imo.


Well-Known Member
water the new pot with some sea water. Or after you transplant, so it can reduce the transplant shock and keep the plant healthy.


I've seen people wait until the plant was root bound or close to it, then switch pots. His plant is doing really well and the buds are nice and thick. :)


Active Member
I honestly wait for them to be rootbound before I transplanted they do great during veg and in flower I have only done it twice but so far nothing bad has happened to me