newb question on flowering


Active Member
Hi, this is my first attempt ever at growing and i have a two part question. Ive tried doing some searches but have come up with conflicting results. First off my setups not great, moneys tight so i was just trying to do with what i had. I've had 3 plants going under 2 23w cfl's for about 65 days. Which i know is the main reason there so small. Two are about 7in tall with 7-8 leaf sets each and one is like 4in and really bushy with 6-7, the last number adding the new growth at the top of the plant. OH i did have one 43 watt cfl with them for a while but it fell and broke. My questions are can i put them in the flower cycle to sex them? And if they all turn out to be female can i just flower them and get any buds? I kind of want to just terminate the grow till i can get some more cash to do it right. Im not worried about yield cause i know even if i let them keep growing it would be tiny cause i have insufficent light. And before anyone says add more lights, thats not an answer. I have more to do then just add more lights. My grow box is literally a box with the lights hanging over the plants. THats why i wanna know if i can just flower them, get something from them, and start over doing everything properly. Like putting together a proper grow box with 6-8 cfl's. Id post pic's but i have no camera. Any help is appreciated, any idea's will be considered too.

Wow this post was a bit longer then i thought, sorry for the long read.


Well-Known Member
Yes you can start on a 12/12 lighting regimen, they will show sex, cull the males and flower out the females. smoke the bud at least after 1 week of drying. have fun it can be done. it will yield fluff, but you will still get high.

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
3 mnths now.hmmm how big of pots. my plant is that big at 3 weeks. half the time with 2 23w and now with 4. if it was me, i would just flower them for the experience. probably won't get much butsome is better than none. plus you grew it and thats worth more. g/l man


Active Member
Thanks for the responses. Pots are about 1.5 gallon so they might be root bound. I went into this grow just for the fun of it so i didnt take it seriously at first. Im honestly suprised i got anything to grow, i started with 9. 4 didnt grow, one just died, and i dropped one when i was getting ready to repot it. Now i just wanna get my babies outta the way so i can do it right.


Well-Known Member
The first pic is a 2.5 month old plant and the next is a 2 week plant...for 65 days your plant should be bigger then my first pic.

You need ALOT more light for those poor least 6 more cfl's for those things to start growing.

At week 8 your plant should have already shown it's sex...there is something else wrong with what you have going...get some quality soil with no added nutes...and some good nutes and get those things growing...they should start to do better within a week or so...then start to flower them.

Good luck friend.:joint::mrgreen:



Active Member
LOL wow, yea my plants look like the second pic only taller. Thats why i just wanna get these ones out of the way so i can do everything right. I just used what i had around the house, the only thing i bought was the cfl's. I wish mine looked like yours :-( so jealous now.


Well-Known Member
Here's my setup! I have a total of 10 4' flouro lights. My growth is great as always...but this time around i'm flowering with them as well.

Last pic is of day 13 of flowering. Some of the hairs look like there turning orange, but's that just my dumb ass spraying them with insecticide and then not letting them dry properly before putting them back under the lights...:wall:. Still growing by the day...i go to work and when i come home i see more trich's and the buds look bigger. Tomorrow I introduce the molasses, and then the buds should swell alot more.

Sorry kinda hi-jacked your thread with my own enjoy.

