newb needs some help


Active Member
hey i was hoping to get some advice about harvesting im not sure when or wat to plant is at about 5 weeks into flowering now and alot of the hairs are turning orange so i was hoping to get some advice before its time to cut it down

first plant 5 weeks in flowering #2.jpgfirst plant 5 weeks in flowering #3.jpgfirst plant 5 weeks in flowering #1.jpg


Well-Known Member
I see some fairly new looking pistils on there so I would wait a bit.

How long have they been in flower? Looks Sativa so they probably need 10-12 weeks :)


Active Member
I'd say at least two more weeks. Load up on water and food next water then maybe start to flush the week after.


Active Member
def looks sativa to me, and you still got a while to go...i usually wait until the slowest developing bud has 2/3 colored pistils before i harvest


Active Member
mista - i dont really know why the leave curld like that it only did it on the one branch lol
DOWN - its at about 5 weeks now and its just bag seed so im hoping its some good smoke ... its my first grow and it seems to be doing ok
JAM- i was thinking the same thing atleast two more weeks thanx for the advice ill keep posting pics


Active Member
is sativa good?
depends on personal preference...sativa is more of an energized head high, whereas indica is more of a couchlock stoned! lol I had white castle which was a 50/50 hybrid and it was the best smoke ive had yet...but im drying some buddha haze right now which is mostly sativa...ill get back to you on that one!


Well-Known Member
sativa is a taller plant with wispier bud with skinny leaves, more heady high , while indica is squatter wide leafed dense buds and a serious couch lock retard buzz. different strains have different percentages of sativa/indica and or just be pure one or the other


Active Member
nice i dont really like the couch lock lol i like the soccial high ....ive started germinating two more seeds to start in my veg room until this plant is done...ill up load a couple new pics in a couple days ...i tied the plant down at first and tried topping a couple spots on the plant so when u can see the whole plant it looks messed up lol


Well-Known Member
nice i dont really like the couch lock lol i like the soccial high ....ive started germinating two more seeds to start in my veg room until this plant is done...ill up load a couple new pics in a couple days ...i tied the plant down at first and tried topping a couple spots on the plant so when u can see the whole plant it looks messed up lol
Sativas are a great smoke man!

And they are extremely vigorous. You can Super Crop them, top them, tie em down, etc. They seem to take a lot more "fucking around with" than an Indica.


Active Member
Sativas are a great smoke man!

And they are extremely vigorous. You can Super Crop them, top them, tie em down, etc. They seem to take a lot more "fucking around with" than an Indica.
i can definitely vouch for that...they are almost like sadist who like being cut up lol...the ice hash from sativa will put you in another world too :)


Active Member
well i think with my next grow im not going to " fuck around " with them lol i think it caused this one to take longer cuz all three of those pics r just one looks so messed up when u see the whole plant lol but the bud is looking good especially for my first grow...iv only put about 60 $ into it


Active Member
well i think with my next grow im not going to " fuck around " with them lol i think it caused this one to take longer cuz all three of those pics r just one looks so messed up when u see the whole plant lol but the bud is looking good especially for my first grow...iv only put about 60 $ into it
well then the way i would look at it is: as long as you get an eight out of it (which you obviously will) you made your money back! haha


Well-Known Member
when you harvest your plant you can trim it or hang it upside down, it takes around 5-7 days of drying it then curing it will take another month or so, curing is placing bud into a jar and opening the jar a couple times a day for a minute or so to refresh the air inside the jar, sterilize the jar and i mean boil it in a pot of water for like a hour to clean out any funky smell, i had one with a weird smell and trust me it will not smell like the plant you were growing


Active Member
thank you all so far....i was wondering about the lights...i have them on a 12/12 cycle is that ok or should i change it...and i was also wondering abnout the temp its been pretty hott around here lately so i what should i keep the temp around i can add fans and whatnot