Newb needing a experienced grower to take a look at how my 1st attempt is going

So, I'm throwing a few pics up 'cause I've got plant envy :) My shiat doesn't look anywhere near the height that other 2 weeks olds that I've seen pics of.

I germed for 2 days without checking, and when I did, fook!! my tap root was like 2 inches long!! Figured what the hell, 1st try at this so I planted it anyway.

2 days later, She (i hope) broke ground. That was on the 2nd. I don't know the proper way of reckoning age but no matter how it's calc'd, it's somewhere around 2 weeks.

The basics are stealthy cab, running 1 105W 65K about 2 inches from plant top. 2 exhausting 5" pc fans, 2 passive intake. Timer on 18/6. In Blackgold waterhold soil with 1/4 perlite. Watering with distilled water only.

Def. know I need more lights and already have 2 more 23W 65K, but hell, that damn 13" hovering over the top should be covering every possible spot on the gal for now.

Can I get some feedback from a guru or two on how this thing is going?



Well-Known Member
^ ditto... no guru here, but it looks pretty healthy to me.

I wonder if that light isn't a little close though. The plant looks like it is taking it well, but it looks super close.
If the plant looks great though, why change what you are doing? It looks like the plant is taking the light very well. My seedlings always stretch long. Yours is very stout. nice.
IMO, that light you have there should last you another 3 weeks of growth, easy.
Looks great to me.. nice work.


Well-Known Member
your baby girl is looking great! just keep an eye on her till she gets sum growth under her belt. just watch the color of the leaves, dont over water and no nutes. keep your temp and humidity up.
congrats on a great start!
AWESOME!!!! Thanks for the feedback folks. I'm using the "if you can leave your hand at plant height" heat thing to determine light distance....The tube instead of spiral CFL design seems to help keep the heat down around the bulb. So much so that I am looking for "tuby" small lights to use instead of spirals that I already have for my other spot lights.

I'm hearing ya loud on the leaf color. I've been watch how they droop / rise and color to give me a "feeling" of when to water along with the "stick your finger" method.

Thanks again!!! This site is like the Wiki of weed. :)


Well-Known Member
Looks very healthy! The only thing I would suggest is a 24h light cycle. I know its an open debate but from personal experience when I use 18/6 the plants tend to stretch more, and in the interest of stealth growing I would say keeping her small is better. But like I said before its an open debate, take it with a grain of salt.

Best of luck!
Looks very healthy! The only thing I would suggest is a 24h light cycle. I know its an open debate but from personal experience when I use 18/6 the plants tend to stretch more, and in the interest of stealth growing I would say keeping her small is better. But like I said before its an open debate, take it with a grain of salt.
Thanks for the advise. I really wanted to try 24/0, but with my 1st time out, I decided to go with the most common methods, get 1 under my belt, and then go all Dr. Frankenstein :) Mmmwwwaaahhahah!