Newb Indoor lighting/seedling question


Well-Known Member
Ok, so this is my first indoor grow and I have a question on germinating under HID lights. I've found some info on the subject but not much.

I dont want to mess around with flouros or anything and would like to keep them under this light the entire life of the plant.

I am growing from seed in soil, 10 plants in a 10x12 room with a 1k watt MH for veg and 1k HPS for flower. Although the HPS has nothing to do with this, so anyway...

I plan on planting the germinated seeds right into the 5 gallon buckets where they will remain until harvest.

I believe I read to keep the seedlings anywhere from 4-6 ft away from the 1k light. and gradually bring it down once they adapt.

I was just hoping for some others experience in the matter. Any advice from someone who's done this? Much appreciated...



Well-Known Member
I've never tried hid on sprouts. I know sprouts don't need much light for the first few weeks. We have talked about this in other threads and it seems the gen. thought was more light won't hurt the seedlings as long as they don't get to warm. I like the flors just because they seem to put out the right heat and light for the seedlings. Good luck and keep us posted.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the suggestions! I'm still not sure how exactly i want to go about this but all is being considered. Matteodvr, why start in smaller pots? If the final home will be in the buckets then whats the need for the transplant? I suppose i could start them in 16oz cups or something but whats the difference?


Well-Known Member
I start in solo cups, grow till I can sex them then repot to a bigger pot. I start 7-10 and get 3-7 girls. I start in seedling soil then move them to a coco blend. It works for me. also I use a spray bottle to water in the cups then a pump sprayer to water in the bigger pots. I get some streaching in the cups. by repotting I can get allot of the streach into soil when I repot.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys guys! hmm, ive never used coco blend. I think I've always just used the potting soil/perlite mix to start the seedlings. Although they do not really need the little bit of fert already present in the soil as of yet. Couldnt hurt I suppose. But I think another question has been raised here. Stumps, you said you start them in solo cups until you can sex them. I did not mention before, but I have all feminized seeds. Was having to determine the sex of the plants the cause of your later transplanting? And forgive me but what is streaching? I've never heard this term before.


Active Member
stretching is when the stem is really long and flimsy ill put up a pic of a strecthed plant and a normal one


Well-Known Member
ohhhh you mean STRETCHING!!! ok lol. then yeah I got ya. Makes more sense now. If they were to stretch in the buckets then i'd be SOL. Cups sound like a good idea to start out.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help! I guess theres only one way to find out. I'll be keeping a grow journal when It gets going soon :)