

Active Member
Hey Guys,

I have been looking into starting my first grow and have been doing a little bit of studying over the last few months.

I know there are thousands of similar threads around here on the internet (IM SORRY!) but I have a few clarifying questions that I would like just to confirm my information is correct and up to date, and I am on the right path and my setup would work and if not a little help on things to read about to help me better understand these things.

Over the last few weeks I have changed my mind on my setup im going to use about 4 times due to a change of mind on what sort of grow I would like to start. Which is now a perpetual harvest type grow, Now im trying to figure out how many flowering areas and what not I will need originally it was 2 (1veg/1flower) but am now thinking I will need more rooms and space to start up a perpetual which means more flowering areas and more space which means more light!?

So far this is what I have.

Aim: Indoor, Hydro, Ebb n Flow, Sea of Green, Perpetual Harvest

Room: One 2x3 Mother Area powered by 250W MH Containing 3 Mothers.
One 4x4 Cloning Area powered by some fluoroscent lights for 12-16 Clones (4-6 cuttings of each mother) - Is this enough space or should I put more or less in or change the area size.
-The Flowering Areas where I am getting a little confused probably because I am adding more lights than I initially planed to or wanted so this area am kind of thinking:
Three 4x4 Flowering Areas Powered by 3 600W HPS Containing 16 Clones flowering in 20 day Cycles per tray
Or Three 4x4 Flowering Areas Powered by 2 1000W HPS Containing 16 Clones flowering in each tray for 20 day cylces - my problem here would be the different heights of the plants and lights in the different trays as there in different stages of flowering?

My Concern here is am using more light than I need or what? Is there a more efficient way I could set this way up even if it means using more or less light or plants? Im trying to figure everything out before I get things going. If I have read correctly.

My mother area is going to receive (Roughly): 3,400 Lumens Per Square ft? 83 Watts Per Plant? - Is this efficient or enough?
My Clone Area I haven't really thought of as of yet as this setup has kind of just come to me and am probably going to read into that after this post!
My 3 Flower areas are each going to receive (Roughly): 5,625 Lumens Per Square ft? 37.5 Watts Per Plant? - Is this too low? and do clones flowering need the same amount of light or more?

First I just want to make sure most of my calculations are right and the way im trying to work things out so I know im sort of on the right track. Then I would love your feedback! Whether I have enough light and room or not and if the setup is efficient or any input or ideas you guys could add in or give some ideas!

Sorry for the long ass post guys and if I have over looked something massive in my post, there's so much to learn! I have been reading heaps for a while so hopefully it wasn't for nothing and appreciate any input you guys have! Im going to get a journal rocking once I get this all set up so I can hopefully help someone else in the near future and contribute the community! oh and Mary Jane :bigjoint: